Dynamic Pricing Fails To Account For Sale - Dynamic Pricing Worse

Patrick Fleischmann
Patrick Fleischmann Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

OK, I had purchased a few individual books over the last 2 months to get started with Verbum and just last week made the first substantial purchase with the Catholic Answers Library.  I went with this first rather than Verbum Starter as I was told dynamic pricing wasn‘t available for Catholic Answers.  

I see the Easter sale has Verbum Starter $100 off so $194.99 rather than $294.99 if I‘m signed OUT of my account - so essentially no dynamic pricing.  When I sign in with my account the dynamic pricing is $211.28 - which was the same  dynamic price BEFORE the Easter Sale started.  If Verbum is giving $100 off then why wouldn’t my dynamic price last week of $211.28 drop to $111.28 with the sale?  In fact it’s actually MORE expensive with dynamic pricing right now than if I’d never bought anything AT ALL.
