LOGOS: Your recent response to Metadata Tagging Proposals



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,960

    The current MyTags is great, but I'm already using the field for multiple purposes and its not pretty!

    Adding more user fields may be a good idea. I just want the meta-data that is shipped with the product to be changeable by Logos (alone) without having to coordinate it with a program release.

    Unfortunately, the metadata changes discussed by Louis and myself will result in changes to both L4 and the definition of user dynamic collections. Thereafter your ideal should be achievable (and also not impact users!).


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I've just discovered that categorising translated ancient manuscripts as monographs prevents parallel resources working properly. Another reason why it's the wrong policy in my view.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,304

    In "a former life" as a computer business system designer, I would not allow a field to have multiple meanings. Every time I did allow it, I got in trouble, so I outlawed it. Meta-data for collection building is a different "meaning" (construct) than meta-data for program control. They should, IMHO, be independent variables (separate fields).

    Thanks for the explanation. I view it slightly differently in that most of my collections are based on the same definitions as Logos' metadata. I use mytags when I want to use independent variables. I assumed that the need to make program updates was solely because of legacy data and would cease to occur once all metadata was converted to the current standards. I agree that accurate data modeling, including normalizing,  is essential to a successful system.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539

    I remember a comment or two from Logos that meta-data changes "can" require program updates. IMHO meta-data should be no more complicated to change then correcting a spelling error in a resource. In "a former life" as a computer business system designer, I would not allow a field to have multiple meanings. Every time I did allow it, I got in trouble, so I outlawed it. Meta-data for collection building is a different "meaning" (construct) than meta-data for program control. They should, IMHO, be independent variables (separate fields).

    I agree with this. It's a standard procedure of normalization to identify any multiple values in single fields and split them into individual fields. This allows for far more powerful indexing, and if this change was made to Logos then collection rules could be even more flexible and intuitive.

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I agree with this. It's a standard procedure of normalization to identify any multiple values in single fields and split them into individual fields. This allows for far more powerful indexing, and if this change was made to Logos then collection rules could be even more flexible and intuitive.

    I would also love to be able to have multiple user-defined fields, not have to overload tags the way we do now. I use it to record what base package or bundle I purchased a resource in, what date I bought it, whether it was a pre-pub or a special sale, and then all the tags I want to use for making collections. It would be nice to be able to view my library sorted in chronological order by when I acquired each resource. That way I can continue focusing on familiarizing myself more with the more recently purchased books. Can't do that now the way tags currently work. Well, I can group by tag, and that is sort of what I want, but then I've got to expand each date to see what items I bought on that date. And there's all the other clutter and redundancy since there's a group for each tag I've used.

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539

    I would also love to be able to have multiple user-defined fields, not have to overload tags the way we do now. I use it to record what base package or bundle I purchased a resource in, what date I bought it, whether it was a pre-pub or a special sale, and then all the tags I want to use for making collections. It would be nice to be able to view my library sorted in chronological order by when I acquired each resource. That way I can continue focusing on familiarizing myself more with the more recently purchased books. Can't do that now the way tags currently work. Well, I can group by tag, and that is sort of what I want, but then I've got to expand each date to see what items I bought on that date. And there's all the other clutter and redundancy since there's a group for each tag I've used.

    Rosie, I'm replying to this partly to bump the thread in order to revive interest in it. I would actually like to know who is interested in this suggestion. I don't expect it will appear necessary to the majority of users, but I would like to exchange ideas with those whom it does interest.

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • David P. Moore
    David P. Moore Member Posts: 610 ✭✭

    Jonathan, I'm hanging around, too. I think it would be great to work with Logos to address these issues.

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,960

    It would be nice to be able to view my library sorted in chronological order by when I acquired each resource. That way I can continue focusing on familiarizing myself more with the more recently purchased books.

    EDIT: the quote is Rosie's!

    The 4.2 Beta has introduced a field called Last Updated which will allow you to do that (but you have to distinguish a newly purchased resource from an updated one).

    I have been able to remove three of my tags with the recent rationalisation of resource language in Subjects + introduction of type:lexicon and type:encyclopedia to distinguish the former type:dictionary resources. Otherwise, I was heading down the route of tag overload for the purpose of defining collections. I would support one additional user-defined field, though.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539

    That's actually Rosie's post Dave, but thanks for the tip about the new field. I'm going to revisit my dictionaries and encyclopedias collection to see how I can improve the rule on the basis of the new tag types.

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,960

    That's actually Rosie's post Dave

    It came from your post but I'm not sure how the attribution was messed up!


    Windows 11 & Android 13