Hebrew Glosses in iOS (iPad) App

Timothy Shrimpton
Timothy Shrimpton Member Posts: 103 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi all!

I have transitioned to doing most of my week-to-week original language text study for sermons on my iPad (if I have a paper or something bigger to write, I use the desktop Logos app). 

For Greek this works wonderfully. I can tap on a word I don't know the definition to, the little quick look up box comes up and gives me the Lemma, Gloss, and Morphology, and then makes it easy to kick it to BDAG or another bigger lexicon for a more in-depth look.

I'm having issues with Hebrew doing this though. My assumption is that this varies by edition of the Hebrew text. I currently have BHS w/ Westminster 4.2, BHS w/ Westminster 4.0, and BHS: SESB 2.0 in my library. The SESB gives reliable glosses, but are in German which doesn't help me too much. :) The other two seem really hit and miss (and mostly miss) as to whether it will give a gloss for a particular word or not.

My question is: is this a technical thing I can fix on the iOS app in some way? Or (more likely in my mind), is there a Hebrew text available on Logos that would have more reliable as to supplying English glosses for every word (which, then, like Greek, I could jump to like HALOT or something for something more in-depth look if need be)?

Thanks all!

