Todah raba lacha! Thank you very much!
I just wanted to thank you for having a Messianic Option now. I will definitely be buying into it very soon. I just have to check on my medical bill payments. I've been waiting for too long to be able to buy into Logos and if I can't do it in August then I will be able to by November 3rd.
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Kytriya said:
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It is allowed—Welcome to the Messianic Jewish forum. I have read your other posts, so I know how delighted you must be. I'm very happy for you.
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I am trusting Y'Shua that I will be able to make the payments every month and that my Sister will pay me rent in March and that I'll be able to pay off my debt as I bought the Diamond Messianic Judaic package. I'm working on the Sh'ma currently, and I highly needed as much resources as I could get my hands on.
(.ps If she does start paying me, after property taxes are paid for, I'll call support to arrange additional payments to pay ahead.)