Personal Books on Mobile

Steven Long
Steven Long Member Posts: 27 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would love to see Logos allow the use of Personal books on the mobile app. It's not the same trying to read on the desktop, and it would be extremely useful to carry around some of my PB's. As of now, if I wish to read on my iPad I either have to have the PDF, DOCX file, or the Kindle version. 

C'mon Logos, let's implement that feature soon!!!!



  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    See Bob's reply to the subject at:   In the thread 

    Please share with us what the hang up is on PPB to Mobile

    That starts at:       From Sep 8 2016  

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    A few comments on BOB's statement

    BOB: “but a bad business model for us, who ends up maintaining the storage, servers, tools, etc.”

    Dave: “Turn off upload for PBB. Force us to rebuild them on each of our computers” No more you pay for storage.

    BOB: “This would be less of an issue if most PBBs were a user's own, original content -- but most PBBs are actually public domain content. Often a duplication of something we already sell (thus competing with us, at the price of free), or something we intend to produce (which would be nearly all public domain content in the biblical studies area.”

    Dave: For the Denominational group that I am in Faithlife released 402 resources that were core works when it first made an invention to the denomination. I have since added 275 PBB that the denomination might see as secondary core works. Faithlife sees my denomination as so important that it dropped the denominational manager.  [We had so few sales that we did not pay his wages]

    BOB: “And, lastly, NOBODY uses PBB. *
    * Same asterisk. Yes, I know that's not true -- that's why this thread is here. But in the big picture of all our users, PBB is a feature used by a tiny group of users who are passionate about it and have many resources in the system, but represent, as a group, only a tiny fraction of our user base.”

    Dave: And that maybe the real reason. Statically zero point zero percent of the Faithlife users use PBB. But as Bob said - They are passionate and have many PBB [[Include me in that list. I have 328 PBBs [with more to input] including some Logos or Verbum Blog entries, the 72 session transcriptions of a study on Revelation that was on You Tube [the transcriptions of the videos, not the videos, provided by the producer], and others]]

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    when it first made an invention to the denomination. 

    'invention' Should have been 'invitation'.  Maybe someday I will learn how to spell - maybe!

  • Robert Payne
    Robert Payne Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Too bad that there is no support for this in Logos 9 in the app.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭
  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    I gave up on this a long time ago. It's better to avoid disappointment and stop "wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin', plannin' and dreamin'... " (and votin'). As I have noted before, it's like Blackthorne building his ship and Toranaga burning it down each time. 

    The plurality, if not majority, of my PBs are converted Kindle books (NA in Logos at the time) I have purchased, much like 20 years ago when i loaded all my CDs I had purchased into iTunes, then to my iPod. There is a benefit to having all those Kindle books:  Amazon has cracked the great invincible walnut shell of text-to-speech on mobile devices, so my Fire tablet can read most of those books to me when my eyes are spent at the end of a workday. Not only that, but Alexa can also read those books to me on a number of speakers in my home. I have yet to hear the Faithlife Alexa Skill finish a sentence in a daily reading.

    I am now content to let the various technologies I use do what each one does best.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
