Classic NT and OT works

Lew Worthington
Member Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭
There are lots of historically significant New Testament and Old Testament works available for Logos which makes those missing a bit more conspicuous. Here are a few:
Martin Kähler (especially Die sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche, biblische Christus and Die Wissenschaft der Christlichen Lehre)
Heinrich Holtzmann (Die synoptisclien Evangelien, ihr Ursprung und geschichtlicher Charakter)
Rudolf Bultmann (The Gospel of John: A Commentary)
William Wrede (Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien)
Sigmund Mowinckel (Psalmenstudien, 6 vols.)
I'm sure some have been requested; maybe even some are available in E.T. Maybe I'll add more as I think of 'em.