Star rating in library.
Can anybody help me please. In the library the information pane allows you to give each resource a star rating.
Can I search these - I’ve probably missed the obvious but can find no way to access this information.
Thank you.
Anthony Dowden said:
In the library the information pane allows you to give each resource a star rating.
Can I search these
You can use "rating:" as below:
= gives just those with that specific rating
>= gives those with that rating or higher
> gives those with ratings higher than the number specificed
< works the same way but for lower ratings
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Strictly, use myrating: as rating: will reflect other users' values if Show Community Ratings = YES in Tools > Program Settings. See for more info.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks for this.
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Thread => Organize Your Books Tagging rules includes:
When a resource is added to library, rating is 0 so can use filter
to show resources whose membership in collections and tagging needs review. Dynamic Rule collections add resource immediately. If a resource is not in desired collection(s), then have two options: modify collection(s) to include resource or add tag(s).
Thankful for Rosie's ratings =>
Rosie Perera said:0 stars - just purchased, haven't had time to do anything with it yet (though I usually do them right away so they don't stay in this state for very long)
1 star - I really don't think this resource is very valuable and would usually chose to ignore it, but I don't dislike it enough to hide it
2 stars - the rating I assign to everything as soon as I buy it, which means basically "I don't know yet what I think of this"
3 stars - good
4 stars - very good
5 stars - outstanding, one of my favorite resourcesWhen have an opinion about a resource, then change rating appropriately.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Related: If you rate something and want to unrate it, that is possible. Open the library information panel and right-click the stars for that resource, and "Clear" will show in the pop-up, which allows you to reset to unrated.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Thanks to all - the comments have been most helpful and given me an idea on how I will use the system.