Error: 3 CCSS volumes are incomplete (missing Biblical text)

Kevin Clemens
Kevin Clemens Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I recently opened up the CCSS John volume and found that it only contains the headings for each section, but is missing the text of the NABRE. All volumes of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series contain the full biblical text section by section with commentary. However, three of the volumes lack the Biblical text in Verbum:

  • The Gospel of John
  • Romans
  • Revelation

While this is a minor inconvenience when I have Verbum open on my desktop (I can just have the NABRE open alongside it and link the two), it is particularly helpful to be able to read through these without needing to link a Bible when reading on my Likebook Mars (Android eReader). 

One other small note: fifteen titles in the series are simply the title of the Biblical book(s). Two volumes unnecessarily have the series title in front of the text. Consistency would be nice.

  • Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS): Hebrews
  • Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS): James, First, Second, and Third John
