Timeline differential Commandbar -vs-library
I've known for a bit that if I type timeline into the command bar (proper name?) that the drop down list will give you the timelines, although I've just noticed that the commandbar dropdown is incomplete compared to the library list.
Command Bar:
Notice that the command bar drop down does not list the Old testament books, the English bible versions nor the intertestamental period.
Proposed Solution:
Either turn off timeline in the commandbar (please no) or make sure that it shows all of what's available.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
tcblack said:
Either turn off timeline in the commandbar (please no) or make sure that it shows all of what's available.
The command bar shows only the top five resources found by entering that query into My Library; to see all the results, you need to use My Library. (A query for "bible" might return dozens or hundreds of resources; we're not going to list them all in the command bar results.)