Old Time Worrd Search User - New to LOGOS



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    It is my understanding that those lectureships before 1993 are no longer under copyright just the ones after 1992. I do know that most of those let your ships are available online at Bible support. Com. However they are in a format for e-Sword Bible program

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭


    I believe it is more complex than that.

    While copyright law is very complex (and I am not an attorney and am not giving legal advice) my thumbnail sketch of copyright law is that..

    • All works published before 1924 are in the public domain.
    • All works published since 1978 are copyrighted for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. For works (like the lectureships) that are compilations, the copyright lasts for seventy years after the death of the longest surviving contributor
    • For works published between 1924-1978 they may or may not be copyrighted depending on whether the copyright was renewed when it expired. That information has to be searched out from the US Copyright Office, however, there are databases online where one can go and search for that information.

    If someone (esp. someone from Logos) knows additional or contramanding information, I would welcome a response.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    I was recently given the college press textbook commentaries in print (1977 reprint). I haven't done much with them, I honestly don't know if its the whole set though it should be pretty close if its not. Its a LOT of titles... But if someone knows someone in or passing through central florida that would be blessed by them... let me know :)

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭


    Since you have mentioned the Restoration Library, a few years ago I had a conversation with the guy behind the Restoration Library because they have lots of works on there since 1923.  He confirmed what I have said above and said re: the works they have online either he has explicit permission from the author or publisher or he has researched it and found that the copyright was not renewed,  As an example, I am attaching a screenshot of Don Earl Boatman's work on "Helps from Hebrews".  On the copyright status he has ""Under Copyright, Used With Permission". That permission is extended to the person who puts that website together,,.NOT for me to go and download that resource and make a Logos docx out of it and share it. I can download it and make a Logos doc for my own use, but I can't share it.  (I do that all the time for my own use). 

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Was this compiled as a monograph or Bible Commentary? I love these resources. I am always on the lookout for good restoration resources in logos, so thanks for sharing these. Carla

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks for your information and responses.

    I have already contacted Mark Copeland concerning this matter, via email with my request to
    use his outlines to create Personal Book(s) for LOGOS 8.  My request included the stipulation
    that the Outline for each Chapter (say in ACTS) would have a Copyright Notice, plus a Link that
    would take any user direclty to his website at  http://executableoutlines.com

    Until I hear from brother Copeland I do not intend to upload future Books (Old or New Testament)
    until I hear back from him.  In anticipation of his approval, I will continue my work on the Book of
    Acts, but will hold off on any updates to LOGOS until I hear from him.  Besides, I need to go back
    and redo the first 12 Chapters of ACTS because I need to "beef up" the structure of the Outlines 
    that apprears in the "Sidebar" in the LOGOS program.  That way, it will be more like some of the 
    other Commericially available Books in apppearance.

    I have already receive approval to use use outlines in my local congregation, for handouts and
    for use on Overhead Projectors, etc.  So, keeping my fingers crossed, and a prayer in my heart
    concerning this matter.  If brother Copeland grants his approval of my request, I will post such on
    this forum so no one should question the legality.  Until then, I hope to hear back from himi this 
    weekend on this matter.

    In Him,

    Mark Johns

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks for the reply.

    Don't remember if I posted it our not, but my old website at http://djmarko53.wixsite.com/churchbooks
    s still up and running.  Here you will find more restoration movement material than the site at http://restorationlibrary.com
    t has thousands of Presentations files(.pptx), hundreds of Acapella Songs, Many sermons, plus a lot of Commentaries.
    Here you will find the best material from the restoration movement, include E.M. Zerr's Complete Bible Commentary.

    Check it out

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I think that in inserting a (c)Copyright Notice in each Chapter would
    normally require two(2) lines of text, but if I insert a link(hyperlink) embedded
    in the Copyright Notice, it would only require one small line of text...


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Dear cshover

    Being a newbie at LOGOS, I believe it was compiled as a monograph.

    But I'm not sure yet what the difference is between a monograph and a Commentary.

    Perhaps you could explain that one.  I have spent years creating modules for e-Sword
    Bible program.  The editor in e-Sword compiles .RTF files which I create in WORD.

    Anyway, what is the difference in the two?  In e-Sword Bible Commentaries have three
    areas:  Book Notes, Chapter Notes and Verse (or Verse-by-Verse) Notes.  Reference
    Books are more like monograph Books.  However, I have only begun to compile a book
    or two thus far and am not sure:  What would be the special requirements for compiling
    as a Bible Commentary?  I haven't come across that ino yet and could use your help
    unstanding what the advantages, etc.  are in either one....  Thanks


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Well, Mark Copeland has just granted me permission to Create books for LOGOS
    using his outlines.

    Brother Copeland even went so far as to email me his outlines in WORD format to
    make it easier to create Books for LOGOS 8.

    Here is what he said, in case anyone wants to know:

    Greetings, Mark, you certainly have my permission to do as you requested.  In fact, I already have my
    Bible studies and sermon outlines in Microsoft Word documents which might save you some time. 
    I've attach a link below to download the compressed ("zip") file of my EO docs.  Hope that helps.

    Each Book and/or Chapter must contain a Credit to brother Copeland that
    reads something like the following:

    © by Mark Copeland (Permission Granted)
    User must include ©notice in each Chapter

    Being a newbie to LOGOS 8 I am still trying to figure out what the difference is 
    between a Monograph and a Bible Commentary.  If you tell me what the difference
    is, and where on the LOGOS site I can find the necessary info, it would be most 
    appreciated..... I will be uploading a updated version of Copeland's Commentary
    and Outlines on Acts very soon.....


  • Scott E. Mahle
    Scott E. Mahle Member Posts: 752 ✭✭✭

    But I'm not sure yet what the difference is between a monograph and a Commentary.

    Hello, Mark!

    See HERE, or more specifically HERE, to answer your question concerning the different types of personal books. Some info is also available in your Logos Help file.

    Logos Series X Pastor’s Library | Logos 3 Leader’s Library | 4 Portfolio | 5 Platinum | 6 Feature Crossgrade | 7 Essential | 8 M & W Platinum and Academic Professional | 9 Academic Professional and Messianic Jewish Diamond

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭


    I'll explain it the best I understand it. When compiling a book, it is important to tell Logos what type of book it is. Is it a monograph (such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Ethics") or is it a commentary (such as your commentaries on Ruth).

    The reason why this is important comes down to searches. If you search for a text and limit it to commentaries, (which you will want to do as your library grows and you have hundreds and thousands of resources to search through) then the resource you identify as a commentary will be included in the search. If not (the default is monograph) then it will not be included in the search. I am attaching a screenshot with the dropdown menu exposed on the compile form. This is true for other book types such as Journals, Dictionaries, Harmonies, etc.

    Please don't ask why the menu has "Commentary" as well as "Bible Commentary". I have no idea. But just pick one an be consistent with it is my suggestion.

    All the best,

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭


    I'll explain it the best I understand it. When compiling a book, it is important to tell Logos what type of book it is. Is it a monograph (such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Ethics") or is it a commentary (such as your commentaries on Ruth).

    The reason why this is important comes down to searches. If you search for a text and limit it to commentaries, (which you will want to do as your library grows and you have hundreds and thousands of resources to search through) then the resource you identify as a commentary will be included in the search. If not (the default is monograph) then it will not be included in the search. I am attaching a screenshot with the dropdown menu exposed on the compile form. This is true for other book types such as Journals, Dictionaries, Harmonies, etc.

    Please don't ask why the menu has "Commentary" as well as "Bible Commentary". I have no idea. But just pick one an be consistent with it is my suggestion.

    All the best,

  • Please don't ask why the menu has "Commentary" as well as "Bible Commentary". I have no idea. But just pick one an be consistent with it is my suggestion.

    "Bible Commentary" comments on Bible while "Commentary" comments on other resource types: e.g. my purchased library has 185 "Commentary" resources, which comment on Didache, Letters of Ignatius of Antioch, Perseus Latin, Pseudapigrapha, Shakespeare, ...

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    That makes it a little easier to understand.

    Think I will try the Commentary option instead of the Monograph.
    Even though the files are mostly Outlines, they are also Commentary
    and would seem to make sense that to Compile using the Commentary
    selection would be batter.  Especially after you esplained that about
    how a search works in Logos.

    Thanks again for the help.  The commentary/outlines for Acts will be
    posted soon.  I am at chapter 20 of Acts.  when that is done, I will try
    to add Copelands additional Commentary and notes for the verses 
    and chapters.  All together iit is or will be over 60 .docx fiiles.

    Brother Copeland sent the Acts Outlines to me in a Single .docx file,
    so it might be easier to work with one file than a bunch of files.

    Thanks again for your hlep.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Here is about the fourth book I have created for LOGOS 8 in the last 7 days.
    It is entitled "The Roots of Our Unbelief" (c)1948 by James D. Bales of Harding College (now University.
    It has 13 chapters plus and Appendix.  Deals with Apologetics and Unbelief.  My dad used it when he
    had the author for a Bible Professor in 1948 at Harding.

    Here is the book:  4403.Roots of Our Unbelief by J.D. Bales.docx

    Mark Johns

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    I cannot wait for you to publish all the Copeland outlines. It has been on my list to create personal books for myself from them for sometime now and I just have not had the time.

    The other reason to format it as a Bible Commentary is that it will then show up in the Commentary section when you run a passage guide. Or any other guides that include the commentary section. I would really love it if there was an outline type so that the outlines would show up in an outline guide section, but Bible Commentary is the closest we have to include it in searches and guides.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    On the 24th you sent me a post requesting my email address.
    Somehow I overlooked  that message.  So I am responding to your post.
    Sorry it is late.  I have had some surgery recently and in my pain and discomfort
    I didn't notice your request.   My email is as follows below

    djmarko53 {at} live {dot} com

    I will try and send you a short message to make sure I wrote it down right.
    Got a notebook just for important websites and emails.  Got a special page
    in it just for LOGOS users.

    I would be most happy to converse via email with another Stone-Campbell guy.
    I attended Lipscomb University in Nashville  in the 1970's.  Left there in mid 1973.
    Did some Teaching Training at the Univ of Louisville and graduated in 1974.  My
    dad attended Pepperdine College (University now) and graduated from Harding
    Univ. in 1949.  Got his special ed Masters from Louisville in 1965.  Pretty much
    followed in my dad's footsteps as far as preaching goes.

    Give me a holler at the above address.  Talk at you later,.  Sorry again for the late
    reply to your request.  Gonna blame that one on the pain med the surgeon prescribed.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Would have got back with you but wife has been sick with COVID.

    This is my 9th day since she started symptoms. No symptoms in me yet. Praise the Lord!

    Just to let you know that I haven't forgotten about the Copeland Outlines.
    Mark Copeland called me a week ago yesterday.  Talked for a long time.
    He has an interesting story to tell.  He is also a LOGOS user.  Sent me a
    lot of his outlines in .docx format.  They were done on a Apple MAC and
    don't look the same on my PC.  When I get the time will start on them.

    Take care,

    Mark Johns

  • Sent me a lot of his outlines in .docx format.  They were done on a Apple MAC and don't look the same on my PC. 

    Wonder if the .docx look better in LibreOffice ?

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Recovery is more important that Personal Books. Take care of yourself. The Copeland Outlines can wait. BTW. I have converted some of the Minor Prophet Outlines when I was leading a study. If you want my conversions, I would be happy to send them to you.  Carla

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Sure Carla,

    That would be great!

    Also, I came across a link on one of the forums about Milestones.
    I meant to print it out at the time, but now I cannot find it.  Perhaps
    you might know where the link is.  It has all the help and info as to
    how to create and insert Milestones into you Personal Books.

    I cannot seem to find that Link.  I have searched all over LOGOS and
    when in LOGOS I enter "Milestones,"  "Create Milestones in Personal Books,"
    I need the examples.  Should be no more than a couple pages.  If someone
    has that info or just a working link I can click on.  Need to know how to not just
    create but how and where to insert it into a .docx file for creating either a 
    Bible Commentary or Monograph book.  Thanks....

    This is driving me up a wall.  Might try looking in the area for former WORDSearch
    Users.  Haven't tried that.  LOGOS online help isn't being very helpful today.


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,475

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭
  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    How can I post a file on the Files forum that is probably going to be
    at least 20MB in size?  One I want to upload is already 4 MB in size
    and LOGOS site won't allow me to post it to the Files Forum.

    How can I then share large files with LOGOS users?

    Here is the message I keep getting (several times already today).

    Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!

    Either the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We
    apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request
    again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too.


  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    You can upload it to One Drive or Drop Box and post a link to it here. Then anyone who wants it can follow the link to your drop box or One Drive account and download it.  That is what some of the people do. Most do Drop Box, but I am assuming One Drive will work the same way.

    Thanks, Carla

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Have just posted Zerr's Commentary on the Book of Genesis.
    I am now working on his commentary on Exodus this weekend.

    As I told Carla, I sent my six volume hardback collection of Zerr's
    Commentary to the owner(s) of the http://restorationlibrary.org website.
    They scanned all books and posted them as .PDF Files on their website.

    I took all .PDF files and converted them to a User Book for WORDSearch.
    Took me forever to do that.  Since WORDSearch will allow me to print out
    any portion of the Zerr Commentary in HTML Format, I can load into Microsoft WORD and
    edit the text.  Genesis is now complete and has been posted to the "Files" forum.

    Please keep in mind.  There are some errors, most being Spelling errors.
    Some I blame on Microssoft Word and some blamed on me, because I didn't
    have the time to check for punctuation or proper grammar, etc.

    Hope you all enjoy this Restoration Movement Commentary.  Other than
    Burton Coffman's Commentary on the Bible, this is the only Complete Commentary
    on all 66 Books to come out of the Restoration Movement.

    --Mark Johns--