Hyperlinks in Info box

In my Info box (panel) under definitions it shows the Enhanced Strong's Lexicon number and entry (when I click on a word in my ESV). The Strong's shows hyperlinks to TDNT, TDNTA, and GK however when I pass over any of these it just shows another copy of the Strong's entry and also the same if I click on those hyperlinks. How can I get those to work properly?
Welcome to the forums, Rick!
Rick Fancher said:The Strong's shows hyperlinks to TDNT, TDNTA, and GK however when I pass over any of these it just shows another copy of the Strong's entry and also the same if I click on those hyperlinks. How can I get those to work properly?
Prioritize those higher than the Strong's lexicon.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Rick Fancher said:
How can I get those to work properly?
Welcome [:D]
Thread => searching strong's numbers shows some advanced prioritizations of Enhanced Strong's Lexicon
Keep Smiling [:)]