New in Logos 9: Counseling Guide

Daniel Di Bartolo
Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Description: Find what your library has to say on over 300 counseling topics with this new guide and corresponding dataset. This feature is complemented in many Logos 9 libraries by counseling reference works from Tim ClintonJune Hunt, and many others.

Learn how to use the Counseling Guide.



  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    Is there a list of resources that are tagged/linked to the Counseling Guide's Monograph section?

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,799

    PL said:

    Is there a list of resources that are tagged/linked to the Counseling Guide's Monograph section?

    I'll see if we can get one posted.

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Phil. Specifically, the June Hunt ones included in the Gold package.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Here are the resources that are currently annotated for inclusion in the Counseling Guide. As with the Theology Guide in Logos 8, we plan to continue annotating additional resources for integration into the Counseling Guide. 

    Biblical Counseling Keys on Abortion (LLS:BCKABRTPREV)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Adoption (LLS:BCKADOPTN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Adultery (LLS:BCKADULTRY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Aging (LLS:BCKAGING)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Alcohol & Drug Abuse (LLS:BCKALCDRUGS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Anger (LLS:BCKANGER)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Anorexia & Bulimia (LLS:BCKANORBUL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Assurance of Salvation (LLS:BCKASURSALV)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Atheism & Agnosticism (LLS:BCKATHAGN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Bible: Is It Reliable? (LLS:BCKBBLRELIAB)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Blended Family (LLS:BCKBLENDFAM)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Boundaries (LLS:BCKBNDRS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Caregiving (LLS:BCKCAREGV)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Child Evangelism (LLS:BCKCHILDEVNG)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse (LLS:BCKCHSXABUSE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Chronic Illness/Disabilities (LLS:BCKCHRONILL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Codependency (LLS:BCKCODEP)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Communication (LLS:BCKCOMM)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Conflict Resolution (LLS:BCKCONFRES)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Confrontation (LLS:BCKCONFRONT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Counseling (LLS:BCKCOUNSLNG)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Critical Spirit (LLS:BCKCRITSPRT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Cults (LLS:BCKCULTS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Dating (LLS:BCKDATING)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Death (LLS:BCKDEATH)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Decision Making (LLS:BCKDECNMAKE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Divorce (LLS:BCKDIVORCE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Dysfunctional Family (LLS:BCKDYSFAM)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Employment (LLS:BCKEMPLOY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Envy & Jealousy (LLS:BCKENVYJEAL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Ethics & Integrity (LLS:BCKETHINTGRTY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Euthanasia (LLS:BCKEUTHNASIA)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Evil and Suffering … Why? (LLS:BCKEVILSUFF)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Fear (LLS:BCKFEAR)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Financial Freedom (LLS:BCKFINFREE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Forgiveness (LLS:BCKFORGIVE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Friendship (LLS:BCKFRIEND)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Gambling (LLS:BCKGMBLNG)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on God: Who is He? (LLS:BCKGODWHO)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Grief Recovery (LLS:BCKGRIEFREC)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Guilt (LLS:BCKGUILT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Habits & Addictions (LLS:BCKHABITS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Holy Spirit (LLS:BCKHS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Homosexuality (LLS:BCKHOMOSXTY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Hope (LLS:BCKHOPE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Identity: Who Are You? (LLS:BCKIDENTITY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Infertility (LLS:BCKINFERTILITY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Intimacy (LLS:BCKINTIMACY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Islam (LLS:BCKISLAM)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Jehovah’s Witnesses (LLS:BCKJEHVHWITNS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Jesus: Is He God? (LLS:BCKJESUSWHO)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Jewish Fulfillment (LLS:BCKJEWSHFULF)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Loneliness (LLS:BCKLONLNESS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Lying (LLS:BCKLYING)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Manipulation (LLS:BCKMANIPUL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Marriage (LLS:BCKMARRIAGE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Mentoring (LLS:BCKMENTOR)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Midlife Crisis (LLS:BCKMIDLCRISIS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Mormonism (LLS:BCKMORMON)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on New Age Spirituality (LLS:BCKNEWAGE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Occult (LLS:BCKOCCULT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Overeating (LLS:BCKOVEREAT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Parenting (LLS:BCKPARENTNG)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Perfectionism (LLS:BCKPERFECT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Pregnancy … Unplanned (LLS:BCKPREGNUNPL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Prejudice (LLS:BCKPREJUDICE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Premarital Counseling (LLS:BCKPREMCOUNS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Pride & Humility (LLS:BCKPRIDEHUM)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Procrastination (LLS:BCKPROCRAS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Prosperity Gospel (LLS:BCKPROSP)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Purpose in Life (LLS:BCKPURPOSE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Rape Recovery (LLS:BCKRAPEREC)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Rebellion (LLS:BCKREBEL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Reconciliation (LLS:BCKRECONC)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Rejection (LLS:BCKREJECT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Salvation (LLS:BCKSALVTN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Satan, Demons & Satanism (LLS:BCKSATAN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Self-Worth (LLS:BCKSELFWORTH)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Sexual Addiction (LLS:BCKSEXADDICTN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Sexual Integrity (LLS:BCKSEXINTEGRTY)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Single Parenting (LLS:BCKSINGPARENT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Singleness (LLS:BCKSINGLNSS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Spiritual Abuse (LLS:BCKSPRTABUSE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Spiritual Warfare (LLS:BCKSPRTWAR)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Stealing (LLS:BCKSTEAL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Stress Management (LLS:BCKSTRESSMAN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Submission (LLS:BCKSUBMISS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Success through Failure (LLS:BCKSUCFAIL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Suicide Prevention (LLS:BCKSUICPREV)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Teenagers (LLS:BCKTEEN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Temptation (LLS:BCKTEMPT)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Terminal Illness (LLS:BCKTERMILL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Time Management (LLS:BCKTIMEMAN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Trials (LLS:BCKTRIALS)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Unbelieving Mates (LLS:BCKUNBMATE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Verbal & Emotional Abuse (LLS:BCKVRBLABUSE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Victimization (LLS:BCKVICTIMZTN)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Widowhood (LLS:BCKWIDOW)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Wife Abuse (LLS:BCKWIFEABUSE)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Workaholism (LLS:BCKWORKAHOL)
    Biblical Counseling Keys on Worry (LLS:BCKWORRY)
    Christianity Today, 2009, Volume 53, Numbers 1–12 (LLS:CTMAG53)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Addictions and Recovery Counseling: 40 Topics, Spiritual Insights, and Easy-to-Use Action Steps (LLS:9781441244604)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Biblical Counseling: Personal and Emotional Issues (LLS:QCKRFGDBBLCNSLNG)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Counseling Teenagers (LLS:QCKRFGDCNSTNS)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Counseling Women (LLS:QCKRFGDCNSWMN)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Counseling on Money, Finances & Relationships (LLS:QCKRFGDCNSMNY)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Marriage & Family Counseling (LLS:QCKRFGDMRGFMLY)
    The Quick-Reference Guide to Sexuality and Relationship Counseling (LLS:QCKRFGDSXLTRLTSHP)

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭
  • Richard Byrne
    Richard Byrne Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Is there a plan to link the volumes of the Journal of Biblical Counseling to the Counseling Guide resource list as well? This would be very helpful!

  • Richard Byrne
    Richard Byrne Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Whoops! Looks like my question was answered (with a "Yes") on another thread regarding the Counseling Guide. Can't wait! Loving the changes to make Logos even more enjoyable to use. Thanks for your good work!

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Sean, are you guys looking for input on what we would like to see tagged for this? I am ready, willing, and able to send you an extensive list if it would be helpful. PS - I am not complaining. I love this new feature and can see myself using it a lot.  Just want to help make it the best it can be!  LOL

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Sean, are you guys looking for input on what we would like to see tagged for this? I am ready, willing, and able to send you an extensive list if it would be helpful. PS - I am not complaining. I love this new feature and can see myself using it a lot.  Just want to help make it the best it can be!  LOL

    We've got a prioritized list, but suggestions are always welcomed. 

  • Mason Miller
    Mason Miller Member Posts: 57 ✭✭

    Thank y'all so much for this Counseling Guide. It will be immensely helpful for pastoring. 

    Is there a way to view an index of all the terms available within the guide?

  • David De Haan
    David De Haan Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    I'm disappointed with this guide presently because of the very limited results I get after entering a topic.  I only see a summary from the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counselling, only 2-4 Bible passages, and no results of monographs.  I do have more than 20 resources related to psychology/counselling.  A basic search in my counselling collection of resources is more profitable.  I must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what that may be.  Any help would be most welcome.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    I'm disappointed with this guide presently because of the very limited results I get after entering a topic.  I only see a summary from the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counselling, only 2-4 Bible passages, and no results of monographs.  I do have more than 20 resources related to psychology/counselling.  A basic search in my counselling collection of resources is more profitable.  I must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what that may be.  Any help would be most welcome.

    I'd recommend you try a few more of the hundreds of topics: some are richer than others, but for example Anxiety has several related articles from Tim Clinton's resources, along with several relevant passages, links to other Counseling Topics as well as other related information.

    We started with a set of practical and broad resources (listed above in this thread), but we're continuing to annotate more: the Baker Encyclopedia is new since I made that list. Many topics should provide at least 1-2 relevant articles, and we've already collected other content around these topics that will be coming soon. 

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    Unfortunately this happens all the time with FL. The tell you they are giving you this great new featur.

    Release it with much fanfare and the afterwards after building expectations tell you sorry we’ve only tagged a handful of resources to work with the feature. They put marketing ahead of managing user expectations of what they are getting.

    I'm disappointed with this guide presently because of the very limited results I get after entering a topic.  I only see a summary from the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counselling, only 2-4 Bible passages, and no results of monographs.  I do have more than 20 resources related to psychology/counselling.  A basic search in my counselling collection of resources is more profitable.  I must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what that may be.  Any help would be most welcome.

    Its thumbs up to Sean and the team for the great work they do in this area but thumbs down to how they communicate these things to users. They have been doing this long enough to no longer pass it off as a communication error. This is a choice to put marketing ahead of other things which is a shame because Logos 9 will be a great product in 6-12 months time. 

    I'm disappointed with this guide presently because of the very limited results I get after entering a topic.  I only see a summary from the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counselling, only 2-4 Bible passages, and no results of monographs.  I do have more than 20 resources related to psychology/counselling.  A basic search in my counselling collection of resources is more profitable.  I must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what that may be.  Any help would be most welcome.

  • David De Haan
    David De Haan Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    Thank you Sean.  I am delighted to see this feature and believe there is great potential to aid elders in their works of service in their church family.  So I eagerly await FL additional annotated resources!  Praying blessings for you and team in this work.

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    Hi Sean,

    I own the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, but I don't see my Counseling Guide linked to this resource in the Monograph section. Am I missing something?


  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    PL said:

    Hi Sean,

    I own the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, but I don't see my Counseling Guide linked to this resource in the Monograph section. Am I missing something?


    It depends on the topic. Do you see it for Claustrophobia?

  • Angela Schira
    Angela Schira Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Thank you for this information. Is there a different list for the resources referenced in the Counseling Guide in Verbum? I noticed that Verbum Silver has several counseling books, but they are not on your list.  Thanks.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thank you for this information. Is there a different list for the resources referenced in the Counseling Guide in Verbum? I noticed that Verbum Silver has several counseling books, but they are not on your list.  Thanks.

    Angela, the list is the same for Verbum and Logos. The list above in this thread is the resources that have already been annotated: we plan to continue annotating other counseling resources across the Logos and Verbum libraries, as long as they're subject-oriented reference material. 

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thank you for this information. Is there a different list for the resources referenced in the Counseling Guide in Verbum? I noticed that Verbum Silver has several counseling books, but they are not on your list.  Thanks.

    Angela, the list is the same for Verbum and Logos. The list above in this thread is the resources that have already been annotated: we plan to continue annotating other counseling resources across the Logos and Verbum libraries, as long as they're subject-oriented reference material. 

  • Chaplain Joseph Mayer
    Chaplain Joseph Mayer Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    At first, I was very interested in the Counseling Guide, but after testing it out with multiple common counseling issues. I am disappointed. I have been counseling for over 13 years. I have invested significantly in Logos over the years, including many of their counseling resources. Only a few of them are coming up in the Counseling Guide. I find many more results by just doing a search in my counseling collection. For example, Anorexia got no journals and one monograph in the guide. My Counseling collection received 387 results in 57 resources. 

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    PL said:

    Hi Sean,

    I own the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, but I don't see my Counseling Guide linked to this resource in the Monograph section. Am I missing something?


    It depends on the topic. Do you see it for Claustrophobia?

    Yes, thanks.

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    I have a question. I looked up a subject in the guide, interests me personally, and the summary was excellent. I was not surprised to see anything under monographs as the tagging is ongoing. I am so looking forward to it being fleshed out. My confusion is in the passage section. In the summary section, a specific passage in Leviticus's book is mentioned, and it was right on point. When I opened the passage section, not one verse was listed. I would have thought that if a passage is listed in summary, that, at a minimum, that one passage would be listed in the passage section.

    Of course, it could just be me, and I might be totally nuts, but I think that would make sense.

    I love the counseling guide's idea, and I have tons of resources that, when properly tagged with, make this a handy tool. But the whole not listing any passages just threw me.


  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    I have a question. I looked up a subject in the guide, interests me personally, and the summary was excellent. I was not surprised to see anything under monographs as the tagging is ongoing. I am so looking forward to it being fleshed out. My confusion is in the passage section. In the summary section, a specific passage in Leviticus's book is mentioned, and it was right on point. When I opened the passage section, not one verse was listed. I would have thought that if a passage is listed in summary, that, at a minimum, that one passage would be listed in the passage section.

    Of course, it could just be me, and I might be totally nuts, but I think that would make sense.

    I love the counseling guide's idea, and I have tons of resources that, when properly tagged with, make this a handy tool. But the whole not listing any passages just threw me.


    Thanks for the feedback Carla. The summaries come from third-party resources: the Passages section comes from Faithlife. We consulted the annotated resources, but made independent decisions: we're also continuing to look for additional key passages to add to the Passages section (Liz, our curator, managed to come up with one for arachnophobia though it's a little indirect). 

  • Martin Burch
    Martin Burch Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    So how can I customize the Guide so that it brings up the resources I prefer? For instance, I am a biblical counselor and have invested heavily in biblical counseling resources, yet the guide brings up none of those and instead defaults to a Christian Psychology resource for definitions, etc. Not trying to spark anything here, just really interested in customizing it for the best use in my particular ministry.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thank y'all so much for this Counseling Guide. It will be immensely helpful for pastoring. 

    Is there a way to view an index of all the terms available within the guide?

    Mason, i've attached a simple rendering of the counseling ontology in an HTML file. Open this with a browser, and you should be able to browse the structure, and the hyperlinks should open the Counseling Guide to the appropriate page. We're still working on the dataset documentation for the Counseling Themes dataset, but we'll probably include something like this in it when that's shipped. 

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thank y'all so much for this Counseling Guide. It will be immensely helpful for pastoring. 

    Is there a way to view an index of all the terms available within the guide?

    Mason, i've attached a simple rendering of the counseling ontology in an HTML file. Open this with a browser, and you should be able to browse the structure, and the hyperlinks should open the Counseling Guide to the appropriate page. We're still working on the dataset documentation for the Counseling Themes dataset, but we'll probably include something like this in it when that's shipped. 

  • Daniel Radke
    Daniel Radke Member Posts: 236 ✭✭

    Is there a plan to link the volumes of the Journal of Biblical Counseling to the Counseling Guide resource list as well? This would be very helpful!

    [Y][Y] I was thinking the same thing. Faithlife, please please prioritize this!! - Connecting Christians With Quality Evangelical Resources Available For FREE On The Internet (including links to free Logos/Vyrso resources!)

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    So how can I customize the Guide so that it brings up the resources I prefer? For instance, I am a biblical counselor and have invested heavily in biblical counseling resources, yet the guide brings up none of those and instead defaults to a Christian Psychology resource for definitions, etc. Not trying to spark anything here, just really interested in customizing it for the best use in my particular ministry.

    The Guide only displays resources that we've annotated with our counseling themes ontology: for example, that's what maps the Counseling Guide concept of Communication about Money to an article in a resource called "Money Huddles". Probably the ones you prefer haven't yet been annotated. We're working on annotating additional resources and journals, so you should see more resources added in the coming weeks. 

  • Martin Burch
    Martin Burch Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Thanks. I'll keep my eye out for those. It really looks like an awesome resource to utilize.

  • Angela Schira
    Angela Schira Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    It seems the Verbum packages don't come with any of these resources. I am trying to decide on a package to buy and based on this information it seems the counseling guide would not be usable within Verbum.  I'd have to buy a Logos package to have any of the connected resources.