Verbum Tip 4m: Bible Browser: Senses part 2

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 4l Next post: Verbum Tip 4n

Note: this is divided into two parts not because of length but because the Bible Sense Lexicon and the Search sections require learning a fair amount of new material.

Context Menu and Information Panel

Tent is highlighted by the Factbook visual filter because it is a Biblical entity: thing, not because it has a Bible sense associated with it.

·        Mouse over the term brings up the Biblical entity card popup (1).

·        In the information panel the Biblical sense (2) shows at the bottom of a surface word expandable/collapsible block.

·        Clicking on the term opens the Factbook to the appropriate Biblical entity: thing entry. Don’t be tricked – this is not the Bible sense Factbook entry. 

·        When selecting the action Factbook from a Context Menu with Sense selected, the Bible sense Factbook entry is selected. As this is a new Factbook entry, it is currently very skeletal.

From Verbum Help on the top entries on the left hand (tab) side of the context menu:

The Tabs section

The sections referenced below appear in order on the left-hand side of the menu from top to bottom. Clicking on a section will display the section title (Selection, Reference, Manuscript, _etc,).

1.  Selection — Represents the text that is manually selected.

2.  Reference — Represents the abstract reference the section is in. In a Bible, this will be the current verse, and in a commentary this is the Bible reference the commentary section is tagged with.

3.  Collapsed Section — Where available, the form of the original language word found in the text can be expanded to view additional information concerning the word. In this case, numbers 4 and 5 have the same sections, but with different original language words.

4.  Expanded Section — When the section is expanded, it lists the available options based on the selected word’s original language.

5.  Manuscript — This is the surface form of the text of the selected word in the text.

6.  Lemma — The dictionary form of the word (or words) from the original language. See lemma.

7.  Root — The basic or simple form of the selected word from a linguistical perspective. This may coincidentally be the same as the lemma, or may be a more primitive form. Compound words will list several roots, one for each part of the compound.

8.  Morph — Represents the morphological properties of the selected word, (noun, singular, passive, etc,) and a Morph Search can be run from this location.

9.  Greek/Hebrew Strong’s # — Lists the Strong’s number that identifies the original language word in the selection. Selecting this tab provides a link to open Strong’s Lexicon to the word (where available), in addition to other tools for looking the word up, such as Power Lookup.

10. Louw-Nida — Provides the selected word’s information from the Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains. This resource organizes multiple words based on their word meanings, rather than listing all the possible meanings of a word.

11. Factbook Heading — Represents people, places, things, etc. that can be found in the Factbook. This section will provide commands based on whatever entity is tagged in the selected text.

12. Event — Identifies the biblical event which the selection takes place in. A brief title for the event appears on the right, and the Factbook can be opened to provide more detailed information.

13. Speaker — Lists the person speaking. This information matches that shown with the “Speaker labels” visual filter.

14. Addressee — Lists the person being spoken to. This information matches that shown with the “Addressee labels” visual filter.

15. Preaching Theme — Is powered by the Preaching Themes Dataset.

16. Literary Typing — Shows the literary types that apply to the selected text. This is powered by the Literary Typing dataset.

17. Cultural Concept — Is a dataset that compiles the cultural importance for that timeframe.

The above list of sections is not exhaustive, there are additional tabs available if the user has the corresponding dataset unlocked (i.e. Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament, Longacre Genre, Lexham SGNT Syntactic Force, and Speech Acts).[1]


·        The Bible sense should be inserted between 10 and 11. The items 3-11 are within the expand/collapse range.

·        Navigation actions are provided to the Factbook and the Bible Sense Lexicon

·        The standard copy reference and search options are provided. The search term is given in datatype format, i.e.  <Sense = tent>


From Verbum Help:

Bible Senses

Senses are indivisible units of meaning as defined by the Bible Sense Lexicon dataset. Each word in the Bible has been assigned a sense, which can be concorded using the Sense data type.

For example, <Sense to cure> finds various places where curing happens. But “to heal” is a type of curing as well.

•   <Sense ~ to cure> or <Sense to cure> or <Sense subset to cure> — Finds this sense and all narrower senses

•   <Sense superset to cure> — Finds this sense and all broader senses

•   <Sense intersects to cure> — Finds this sense and all narrower or broader senses

•   <Sense = to cure> — Finds exactly this sense

The easiest way to specify a Sense term is to type a word into the Search box and choose a Sense term from the drop-down term suggestion list, or to right-click a word in a reverse interlinear Bible and choose the Sense term from the right side of the Context menu.[2]

From the Logos wiki:

1. References

To search for references in the text of a resource you need to know the name that identifies the data (its datatype),
together with its value and how you want to treat that value.
The format is <datatype Op value> where Op can be:

·        ~ (narrow intersection),

·        = (exact match),

·        intersect (any intersection with value),

·        subset (result wholly included in value), or

·        superset (result includes the whole value).

Note ~ is the default operator that finds any bible reference within a range of verses in the same chapter.
For example, <bible Jn 3:16> is the same as <bible ~Jn 3:16>, and it will be found in John 3:16 and John 3:15-17, but not in John 3 nor John 2:24-3:17.
See Using Operators for more examples and a detailed explanation.[3]


Search argument

Search rule




<sense = tent>

Finds exactly this sense

348 results in 315 verses

The BSL shows 345 results; is reasonable to assume the difference is the tagged Greek vs. NRSV translation


<sense tent>

Finds this sense and all narrower senses

363 results in 328 verses

15 results from narrower senses


<sense ~ tent>

Finds this sense and all narrower senses

363 results in 328 verses

15 results from narrower senses


<sense subset tent>

Finds this sense and all narrower senses

363 results in 328 verses

15 results from narrower senses


<sense intersect tent>

Finds this sense and all narrower and broader senses

502 results in 439 verses

139 results from broader senses


<sense superset tent>

Finds this sense and all broader senses

139 results in 117 verses

Omits “this sense” – should have 487 results BUG: Garbage results in results

Broader/narrower senses in the Bible Sense Lexicon are shown graphically:

·        The green box shows narrower senses. In this case, there are no lower levels.

·        The gold box shows “this sense”.

·        The purple boxes show broader senses. In this case there are higher levels.

The 15 narrower instances are one from court (royal) which I suspect is an error and 14 for the tent of meeting identified by the following search:

Tracing the broader terms back to the root and appending the instance count from the BSL: tent → shelter dwelling (0) → structure (0) → artifact (3) → whole (assembly) (0) → object (130) → physical entity (0) → entity (0). In order to understand the search results / coding, the question is why the items in “object” not further classified as instrument, ornament, garment, ship, etc.

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

[2] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

[3] Search HELP ( accessed 11/27/2020 11:14 PM

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
