Verbum Tip 4t: Bible Browser: Prophets

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Facet: Prophets

A basic Biblical Entity browser facet is People. This is supplemented by:

  • Prophets
  • Priests
  • Regents
  • Judges
  • Supernatural Being

In addition, Biblical person is embedded in several other facets:

  • Events: Participants
  • Reported Speech: Speakers
  • Reported Speech: Addressees
  • Miracles: Agent
  • Miracles: Patient
  • Miracles: Beneficiary
  • Miracles: Audience
  • Parable: Speaker
  • Parable: Audience
  • Psalms: Attribution
  • Sacrifices: Offerant
  • Prophets: Agent
  • Prophets: Deity
  • Priests: Agent
  • Priests: Deity
  • Regent: Agent
  • Judges: Agent
  • Supernatural Beings: Name
  • Theophanies: Agent
  • Theophanies: Beholder
  • Speaking to God: Speaker
  • Speaking to God: Addressee




  • Brannan, Rick. 2017. Prophets, Priests, Regents, and Judges Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.


From Verbum documentation:

  • Prophet
    • Agent: The person entity annotated as a prophet.
    • Deity: The divine entity the prophet serves. Most prophets in the Bible are prophets of God but there are others mentioned in the text.[1]

Bible Browser

The Bible Browser provides the usual functions.


There is no interactive associated with this data.

Context Menu and Information Panel

The information panel has the expected entry with attribute values.

There is the usual access to additional information on the person via the popup and Factbook link.

The Context Menu similarly has the expected prophet and its attributes entry. This provides the expected copy and search functions but the look-up function is missing.


Clicking on the Inline Search builds the Search argument {Label Prophet WHERE Agent ~ <Person Jeremiah (prophet)> AND Deity ~ <Person God>}

However, not all occurrences of the person Jeremiah are marked as the prophet Jeremiah. Without more context, it may be difficult to see how the role of prophet is in play. Therefore, it may be useful to change the inline search from verse to pericope – a change you cannot make in the Bible search.

In the inline search, there is a third option – paragraph. See BUG: Paragraph analysis on Inline search for system limitation.


What percentage of the references to Jeremiah related to his prophetic role?

281 entries out of a total of 896 entries treat Jeremiah as a prophet i.e. just over 31%.

[1] Rick Brannan, Prophets, Priests, Regents, and Judges Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
