Changing verse colours

Bootjack Member Posts: 756 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Permit me to throw this question out again. Is there a very simple way to change the verse colors from blue to yellow against a black background. A no reply will mean there isn't. 

Here's a picture of what I have presently. 

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Sorry, no. You can't change the color of the hyperlinks. 

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  • Bootjack said:

    Is there a very simple way to change the verse colors from blue to yellow against a black background.

    Yes, Basic Search of Holy Bible with a Commentary and Critical Notes, Vols. I–VI  for: <Ge-Rv> OR <Homerus  Homer, Odyssey 1-24> causes Bible verse links to have black text with yellow background. Search can be saved as a Visual Filter, which allows highlighting style choice for search results (Bible Search could be split up to highlight Old Testament with one style & New Testament with a different style)

    Screen shot shows Homer Odyssey hyperlinks having different search highlighting.

    Logos Wiki => Extended Tips for Highlighting and Visual Filters includes:

    Reverse Interlinear tagging in Logos (& Verbum) allows visual filter highlighting of Original Language Morphology so can "see" range of verbal expression (as English verbal expression lacks nuanced range of original languages)

    Screen shot shows Visual Filter highlighting with Greek having Greek contextual order (instead of English) plus two English Bibles having formal equivalence (literal) translation style. Also shows a 5 W's & H visual filter progress using Bible Sense Lexicon that has not yet been published.

    Thread => more inductive symbols discussion includes Inductive Precept visual filter highlighting and how to duplicate system Highlighting palettes for personal style modification(s).

    Right Click in Logos (& Verbum) shows Interlinear information & more (plus avoids "reading" reverse interlinear Greek using English word order). Note: visual filter highlighting mixed with interlinear lines could be improved, especially when visual filter inserts stuff before/after word.

    Bible translation authorized by King James included directive to keep Bishop's Bible wording when practical so olde English singular (thee, thine, thou, thy) and plural (ye) forms of you were retained (corresponding with original language singular & plural second person usage). Lexham English Bible (LEB) is a relatively new, modern English translation that tends to be more literal than King James authorized version, except for second person (LEB did not need to keep heritage wording from a previous English Bible). Literal translation (formal equivalence) assumes reader understands Biblical culture (Jewish) so tries to avoid mixing cultural interpretation thoughts into English rendering of original language texts.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Bootjack
    Bootjack Member Posts: 756 ✭✭

    Hyperlinks, got it. What about everything else in there that is coloured blue? Please don't tell me Logos calls it all hyperlinks.  

    MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home

  • Bootjack
    Bootjack Member Posts: 756 ✭✭

    Thank you for your detailed response. I'm going to edit my previous reply to you. As said before editing, all that you've written looks like the instruction manual for operating a Boeing 747 to me. In other words, I'm light years behind you in this stuff. 

    BUT ... I do see what you mean by the "Basic Search" and the coloring. I'll attempt to wallow through what you've posted & if I get a fraction of it, I'll be further ahead than I am at present. I might ask, does Logos have a video on this? 

    Again, thanks so much for your expertise and efforts to help out. It's much appreciated. 

    MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home

  • Bootjack said:

    Does Logos have a video on this stuff?

    Logos Feature Training Videos include Visual Filters

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Bootjack
    Bootjack Member Posts: 756 ✭✭

    As you can see, I've edited my previous reply to you. My first attempt could have come across as not being appreciative for your response. I would never mean it to be that way. 

    Thank you so much for coming in on this and for your latest reply concerning the videos. 

    MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home