What is this Page/Screen?

Steven Veach
Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was watching a how to video on Logos from DTS (2014) and it had this view/page in the background as the presenter was explaining something. What is this page and how do I get it? It does not look anything like the Home page, which I do not care for at all on my system. Cards won't delete, etc.

I could see using this format/page if it were linked to newsfeeds, RSS feeds, etc. That would really be useful.

So anyone know what this configuration is exactly?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,156

    Hi Steven

    This page is an older version of the homepage - with the new one being introduced some time ago. We can no longer access the page shown in the video you were watching (which presumably was taken in an older version of Logos)

    If you provide details of the problems you are having with the current homepage we might be able to help with them.


  • Steven Veach
    Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    Hey Graham,

    Thanks for the quick response. I was afraid that was an old style homepage and no longer available.

    Mostly I just don't like the look of the new homepage. But, as far as feature issues:

    1. In the settings spoke at the top right has the option for the number of columns. Mine currently has 3 but when I try to change this to 5, it does nothing.

    2. Banner option toggles between on and off but changes nothing. Not sure what this really is.

    3. Hitting refresh does nothing for these settings either.

    4. The first items at the top are under DASHBOARD. There are several cards for prayer lists and several reading plans I set up. But, when I click on the three dots and select remove card it sometimes will remove it but most of the time it will not. The card just stays there. Other times I click on the three dots for a card and I can't even get the popup for remove card.

    5. The Explore section is a great idea, in theory. But I would rather have more flexibility in what was displayed. Honestly, the old-style home page looks much more useful to me.

    6. The option to have cards accessing external RSS feeds would be a BIG selling point for me on the Home Page. Also the option to display random entries from dictionaries or encyclopedias or books (within Logos), or even external websites would be helpful. That way every day or every time I went to the home page it would update with new information. I would be able to access all of the podcasts I follow right from the homepage (via RSS feeds).

    What's available now (or what I believe is available) is a good start, but it's really not all that useful for me at this point.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,156

    1. In the settings spoke at the top right has the option for the number of columns. Mine currently has 3 but when I try to change this to 5, it does nothing.

    I believe it is constrained by monitor size. What size monitor are you using?

    2. Banner option toggles between on and off but changes nothing. Not sure what this really is.

    I'm afraid I don't know either. 

    4. The first items at the top are under DASHBOARD. There are several cards for prayer lists and several reading plans I set up. But, when I click on the three dots and select remove card it sometimes will remove it but most of the time it will not. The card just stays there. Other times I click on the three dots for a card and I can't even get the popup for remove card.

    Otthers have reported similar problems - https://community.logos.com/forums/p/198053/1148147.aspx#1148147 - but I don't believe there is a resolution yet (or a clear understanding of why this is affecting some users)

    5. The Explore section is a great idea, in theory. But I would rather have more flexibility in what was displayed. Honestly, the old-style home page looks much more useful to me.

    Are you aware you can control which categories of information are displayed?

    6. The option to have cards accessing external RSS feeds would be a BIG selling point for me on the Home Page

    I know there have been discussions on this but I'm not aware of any details - hopefully someone else will be able to comment further

    Also the option to display random entries from dictionaries or encyclopedias or books (within Logos)

    The Excerpts option above does this.

  • Steven Veach
    Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    I believe it is constrained by monitor size. What size monitor are you using?

    That would probably do it. I'm on a 14" laptop.

    Are you aware you can control which categories of information are displayed?

    I knew this was an option but it is rather limited. I can turn on excerpts but I can't seem to pick and choose which resources are used. There are some that come up that I really have no interest in seeing. So maybe I should change my request from "random entries" to pinpoint entries with the option to pick and choose which resource to display.

    Then again, without the option to display information from external websites or RSS feeds, there really is still no significant draw for going to the Home Page. It's a nice start but they need to make some more improvements.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,156

    I knew this was an option but it is rather limited. I can turn on excerpts but I can't seem to pick and choose which resources are used. There are some that come up that I really have no interest in seeing. So maybe I should change my request from "random entries" to pinpoint entries with the option to pick and choose which resource to display.

    This option doesn't provide what you are looking for but I wanted to check you are aware of it

    Faciliate Serendipitous Discovery (FSD for short) is a command option that opens a random resource in your Library

    You can also restrict it to a particular collection - FSD in Collection-name

    If you set this command up as a shortcut, for example, you can generate your own random excerpt whenever you wish