BUG: Corresponding Notes and Highlights

This feature used to work for me. It didn't initially work on Logos 8, but support was added later, according to this page. That accounts for previous forum posts on this feature not working. But now I'm on Logos 9, and I've been noticing this problem for a while.
Years ago I switched making notes in NASB95 to ESV. That was no problem when this feature worked. However, today, on the NASB side there are multiple highlights that do not show on the ESV, and the ESV has a note that doesn't show up on the NASB.
Both translations have all corresponding notes and highlights notebooks selected:
If I manually edit one of the notes/highlights to add a new anchor to the opposite translation, all of a sudden it realizes that it should have been showing the note/highlight on the opposite translation the whole time, and it duplicates itself, showing twice:
If I delete the new anchor (that I just created), it retains the corresponding note on the opposite translation, where it should have been the whole time:
So the corresponding notes/highlights are only partially working, but mostly not. They only show if I manually edit the anchors.
[EDIT: Logos 9.3.0049 on Windows 10 20H2]
I don't quite know and to be honest, dark mode confuses me. [:s]
What specific OS and version of the app?
I thought I read something about a bug on windows for this feature, but I can't find a thread on it. Perhaps not.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
FWIW - I just highlighted a word and it appeared in the ESV and it appeared in the NIV, NASB95 and NASB95 paragraph version.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks, JT.
I did the same and it works. Probably should have mentioned that new notes work.
So, new notes are properly corresponding, but many of my old notes are not. I wonder if there is some date cutoff where old notes no longer properly function, but notes created after that date work properly? Perhaps this is related to the notes system upgrade that was done a few years ago?
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Brian Crawford said:
Perhaps this is related to the notes system upgrade that was done a few years ago?
In your original post, you linked to the new notes tool and mentioned that this feature didn't work prior. That is true. To be honest, I dont know if notes prior would work or not. The "magic" of this feature (and also its limitation) is that Logos takes a note attached to a particular verse and a particular word in a bible and uses the underlying "reverse interlinear" (if there is one!) to allow other bibles with corresponding reverse interlinears to show the note in the first (source) resource. The note isn't actually in the second resource... it is just showing you the note from the first resource.
I am not an expert in this area to be honest. It may be helpful to see the anchor points in the notes NOT showing up in the other resource.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
No idea. Here is my best guess:
- Old notes which were attached to a reference will work.
- Old notes which were attached to a selection will need new anchors.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Ok, I just checked on a different PC, and all of my notes - new and old - are properly corresponding in the different translations. So, the problem is confined to my primary computer. Is there some cache file that I can delete to make this work again?
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Just checking... Is the resource downloaded?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yes, I have my entire library downloaded
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To anyone who has a similar problem, I fixed this by renaming/deleting two files with Logos closed:
After restarting Logos, it re-downloaded my notes from the cloud, and then all of the corresponding highlights worked.