Lookup not displaying Greek/Hebrew information

It used to be that when I long press on a word and choose Lookup, I could see the information on the Greek and Hebrew word (parsing, lemma, article in my preferred lexicon). But recently the mobile behavior changed so Lookup displays the Factbook.
How do I go back to seeing the information on the Greek/Hebrew word? This is one of the most useful features in the mobile app that I use dozens of times a day. The Factbook is far less useful to me because the Factbook is based on the English word and not the Greek/Hebrew word. Also, it is hard to use on a phone, because of the small display space
I don't mind having the Factbook in mobile, but I believe I would like to see a separate selection menu option called Factbook. I want the Lookup option to go back to the former behavior that displays the information about the underlying Greek/Hebrew word base on my preferred lexicon.
Is there a way to make Lookup display the Greek/Hebrew information? If not, how can I get this information on a word?
Fortunately, Logos on my tablet has not been updated, so Lookup still has the Greek/Hebrew information.
Version 9.4.2 on Android
Harry, the word info should still be available. The "card" UX changed a bit so that multiple cards and card types can be shown in a carousel. You swipe left/right to move through them.
As an example, you can see the word info card poking out from the right of the screen below.
If you want the word info cards to be focused on first, swipe to the word info card, and from the kebab button in the upper right select "prefer word info cards." Hope that helps.
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Todd Diehl (Faithlife) said:
The "card" UX changed a bit so that multiple cards and card types can be shown in a carousel. You swipe left/right to move through them.
Thanks, Todd. It was not obvious that there was another card that could be viewed. I have set mine to prefer the word info card, so the behavior is as in earlier mobile versions.