Known issues with new reading plan view

Tony Baldarelli
Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

I am sure this has been reported to the developers via the issue report feature, but just wanted to list them out for everyone.  I am sure there are others - at least on iPad, it is VERY buggy.  No big deal, this is to be expected for a beta product.

  1. When highlighting, the only way I can see the highlight ( or see the removal of the highlight) is to change pages.  This is very consistent, and makes things quite hard to do in the morning.  Easy to get around, just time consuming.
  2. If I click a word to get the definition, I cannot click another word until I change pages.
  3. Sometimes, I cannot see the title bar until I change pages.
  4. This could be related to the updating of the reading plan on the cloud, but it seems to be marking things as read when I have not marked them as read myself.  It might be that when I pull up Logos on my PC, it messes up the reading plan for the iPad.  Not entirely sure.
  5. In order to fix the above issue, it can be a major pain to uncheck days I have not read.  It used to be much easier.

Honestly, the last 2 problems have been happening for awhile now, just the new reading plan view makes things much tougher to see the problem and solve it.  Also, these issues have been around for months.  I actually waiting a few months before doing bug reports, sort of expecting it was a normal beta issue that would be fixed in a few updates.  But I have had quite a few beta updates and the reading plan has not even been touched (according to release notes I have read).

Also, while this is not a bug, it would make things easier.  I know in my case, I have a few reading plans, one for the Bible, one for Calvin's Institutes, etc.  The new iPad reading plan view uses the same tab for all reading plans.  In other words, if I click the Bible reading plan, it replaces my Calvin reading plan with the Bible reading plan.  Before all these changes were made to the reading plan view, you could have one tab that was for one reading plan and another for a second reading plan.  This might be a nice feature to add back.




  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    I like the new reading plan mobile. I am using it on a iPhone and have not experienced any of the bugs that have been troubling you.  I hope they do get resolved for you soon as these would be making the usage of reading plans less than desirable.

    i don’t mind the fact when I switch plans it reuses the same container to display it. But I wouldn’t have an issue if that changed in someway in the future.

    I am sure this has been reported to the developers via the issue report feature, but just wanted to list them out for everyone.  I am sure there are others - at least on iPad, it is VERY buggy.  No big deal, this is to be expected for a beta product.

    1. When highlighting, the only way I can see the highlight ( or see the removal of the highlight) is to change pages.  This is very consistent, and makes things quite hard to do in the morning.  Easy to get around, just time consuming.
    2. If I click a word to get the definition, I cannot click another word until I change pages.
    3. Sometimes, I cannot see the title bar until I change pages.
    4. This could be related to the updating of the reading plan on the cloud, but it seems to be marking things as read when I have not marked them as read myself.  It might be that when I pull up Logos on my PC, it messes up the reading plan for the iPad.  Not entirely sure.
    5. In order to fix the above issue, it can be a major pain to uncheck days I have not read.  It used to be much easier.

    Honestly, the last 2 problems have been happening for awhile now, just the new reading plan view makes things much tougher to see the problem and solve it.  Also, these issues have been around for months.  I actually waiting a few months before doing bug reports, sort of expecting it was a normal beta issue that would be fixed in a few updates.  But I have had quite a few beta updates and the reading plan has not even been touched (according to release notes I have read).

    Also, while this is not a bug, it would make things easier.  I know in my case, I have a few reading plans, one for the Bible, one for Calvin's Institutes, etc.  The new iPad reading plan view uses the same tab for all reading plans.  In other words, if I click the Bible reading plan, it replaces my Calvin reading plan with the Bible reading plan.  Before all these changes were made to the reading plan view, you could have one tab that was for one reading plan and another for a second reading plan.  This might be a nice feature to add back.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Tony

    • When highlighting, the only way I can see the highlight ( or see the removal of the highlight) is to change pages.  This is very consistent, and makes things quite hard to do in the morning.  Easy to get around, just time consuming.
    • If I click a word to get the definition, I cannot click another word until I change pages.
    • Sometimes, I cannot see the title bar until I change pages.
    • This could be related to the updating of the reading plan on the cloud, but it seems to be marking things as read when I have not marked them as read myself.  It might be that when I pull up Logos on my PC, it messes up the reading plan for the iPad.  Not entirely sure.
    • In order to fix the above issue, it can be a major pain to uncheck days I have not read.  It used to be much easier.

    Like Disciple II, I don't see any of these issues - using an iPad running the beta version of the app.

    Sometimes, to see the Title Bar I do just need to tap the page but that makes it appear.

    So I think we need a bit more details regarding the problems you are seeing. Which iPad are you using, which version of iOS, some resources in which you are seeing these issues?

    The new iPad reading plan view uses the same tab for all reading plans. 

    I was not aware of this but agree it is not ideal and it wouldd be good if the tabs could be kept separate


  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    This is on iPad Pro iPadOS 14.4.2.  My problems are very consistent and definite bugs.  Been using the app for years, so I am a very experienced user.  The current beta version I am using is 9.5.0 (0007).

    When I say “reading plan view”, I meant the below view.  If you don’t see “Overview” in upper left and “Finish” in lower right, you might not be using the same feature I am using and having problems with.  It is easy to access - just click on the card in your dashboard/Home.


    It works fine when I use the old way of doing things, which is what I guess I will be doing to get around this for awhile.  Note the “Start reading”.  If you were to go far enough to the right, you would see a “Finish reading” or something similar.


  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    According to TestFlight, I am using beta version 9.5.0(7), which I guess matches my earlier post.  Also, when I use Reading Plan view just now, it works fine.  Granted, in this case in one tab I have the resource open in the old reading plan view (second picture in my post), and in the other tab I have the reading plan view for the exact same resource.

    Ok, just now (5 minutes after typing above paragraph), while Logos app was already opened, I clicked on “Open” in TestFlight, and when I did that, it stopped working, and I start having the new reading plans problems I reported.  So then I closed it down, and started it from the Home Screen of my iPad, and still have the problem.  At one point, it did not show highlights I made in prior days until I changed pages, which is weird and a problem I have not seen before.  So why in the world did it start working briefly, because as I just proved, it normally does not work?

    I guess when I clicked “Open” in TestFlight, it overwrote something?  That does not make much sense since version did not change, but it is weird, so I am mentioning it as a possibility.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    This is on iPad Pro iPadOS 14.4.2.  My problems are very consistent and definite bugs

    I am also using an iPad Pro using the same version of iPaDOS. I understand you are seeing these issues consistently but aware I can't reproduce them so trying to understand what is happening here.

    When I say “reading plan view”, I meant the below view.  If you don’t see “Overview” in upper left and “Finish” in lower right, you might not be using the same feature I am using and having problems with

    I understand that - I am seeing the same thing. But I don't see the problems you describe.

    It works fine when I use the old way of doing things, which is what I guess I will be doing to get around this for awhile.  Note the “Start reading”.  If you were to go far enough to the right, you would see a “Finish reading” or something similar.

    I assume that for this you are just opening the resource and seeing those markers. Is that correct?

    When you engage the resource in this way are you saying you don't see the problems you described in your original post?

  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Correct, don’t see the problems.

    As further help, here is a video of the new reading plan that does not work rather consistently.  The key MIGHT be that I don’t always open it from the dashboard, sometimes it is already open and I just keep using it from the prior day.  The reading plan I am using is not ideal, but since fixing it would restart it I have not tried to fix it.

    IMG 0013

    And here is me using the normal resource with reading plan like the old style:

    IMG 0014

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Yout two videos show you - totally understandably - interacting with two different resouces.

    Are they both downloaded to the device you are using?

    If not, try downloading them and see if that changes anything.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    When highlighting, the only way I can see the highlight ( or see the removal of the highlight) is to change pages.  This is very consistent, and makes things quite hard to do in the morning.

    I can confirm this on my stable installation. It isn't all the time, but once it starts, it doesn't seem to go away. 

    If I click a word to get the definition, I cannot click another word until I change pages.

    I have not seen this. I checked again after the first issue started up just to see if they were related... no luck. It worked as expected. 

    Sometimes, I cannot see the title bar until I change pages.

    I have not seen this. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Same resource, same session of app.If you look closely, it is the same resource.  The difference is the view used (reading plan view vs standard resource view), not the resource.  You can even see some of the same sentences highlighted (sentence starting with "It is just to retain" ).    So I don't really see how you can say I am interacting with 2 resources.  Am I missing something.

    Also, the resource is downloaded to the device, and has been for years (it is taking me a long time to read this book [:)] ).

    As I said earlier, I tend to keep using the same reading plan tab over and over, and NOT clicking on the reading plan in the Home screen to get to the reading plan.  In other words, normally I just keep the tabs open and go back to them later, I don't close tabs unless I know I don't need the tab anymore, for whatever reason.  Which is not to say I keep many tabs open - I don't.  Just that I normally don't close the reading plan tab.  That said, this morning I closed the reading plan tab, and then went to home screen and clicked on reading plan, and still had the same problem.  I thought that might be it, but I guess not.

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    When I say “reading plan view”, I meant the below view.

    Yes I am referring to same thing but must confess I missed this was posted on beta forum. I am no stable version of app and not seeing the issue and as I said earlier on an iPhone not iPad.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    So I don't really see how you can say I am interacting with 2 resources.  Am I missing something.

    Apologies - I was misinterpreting what I was seeing

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    As I wrote, I can replicate one of the issues on my stable install. 

    My suggestion would be to delete the app and reinstall it to see if that provides relief. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Just an update, but ever since version 9.5.0(28), both the highlight and selecting word problems I reported have consistently worked.  So it looks like we found the issue.