Fuzzy Bible Search question

Mark Hoffman
Mark Hoffman Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was trying to find the passage somewhere in one of the Petrine letters about, as I kind of remembered, Jesus preaching to the spirits in prison.

I figured a quick English fuzzy search for "prison" would find it.I used a Bible search, All Bible Text in NT in NIV.

The search result has two panes: "Fuzzy Bible Search" and the Grid/Verses/Aligned/Analsyis one.

The passage didn't show up in the latter, but I found it in 1 Pet 3.19 when I switched to NRSV, It turns out that the NIV has: "he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits." I.e., the flex search didn't know to look for "imprison" as a word connected with "prison."

In the initial search using the NIV, the first 3 results in the "Fuzzy Bible Search" returned Gen 39.20, Gen 39.22, and 1 Pet 3.19. The Genesis verses were displayed in English. The 1 Pet 3.19 was displayed in Greek. First, it's odd that a NT search returned results in Genesis. Second, there appears to be no way to switch the results to all appear in English or to sort them in canonical order.

I looked on the forums, and it appears to suggest using a Basic search (instead of Bible), but the videos must reflect an earlier version of Logos since some of the options are no longer available. Searching for "prison" doesn't return the NIV result, but searching for "prison spirit" returns "Spirits in Prison" concept via the Factbook.

So what is the fastest way to find what I was searching for? Is there some database for fuzzy searching that found prison, prisons, prisoner, but not imprison? I was able to use *prison* to find what I wanted in the Bible search, but I was thinking I wouldn't need to do that.


