Android Reader Suite Beta Release Notes

The Mobile team is pleased to announce the Beta release of the Faithlife Apps.
If you are already signed up for the beta via Google Play you will automatically receive the beta update over the next few hours.
If you are a new beta user or haven't previously tried one of our beta apps before, we have switched to Google's Open Beta test model so you don't need to sign up - just use the opt-in links shown below.
If you find a bug please see for instructions on how to report it.
Versions in this release:
Bible 9.6.0 (Build 0211) - [Bible! Beta opt-in page]
Faithlife Study Bible 9.6.0 (Build 0211) - [FSB Beta opt-in page]
Biblia 9.6.0 (Build 0211) - [Biblia! Beta opt-in page]
Verbum 9.6.0 (Build 0211)- [Verbum Beta opt-in page]
Faithlife Ebooks 9.6.0 (Build 0211) - [Faithlife Ebooks Beta opt-in page]
- More audio books are now recognized when filtering your library or opening the Audio library item.
- Showing more of the Inline Search results when you scroll the content.
- Issue of limited results in Omnibox for some users.