Sermon Editing on iPad Pro in iOS Beta 9.7.0 (20)

The older I get, the more I'm noticing that it's harder for me to read small text. This is something that is not what I think is expect. Here's a screenshot of part of a sermon file on my iPad Pro 12.9.
If I increase the font size in view settings, nothing really happens.
Is it by design that everything gets larger except the text in the sermon?
I know that I can go into this setting and change the font text ...
... BUT ... if I change this here, I can't change it back to normal size without removing all the background color, bold, etc.
I want to clarify that I am NOT using iOS beta. I’m using the beta logos app.
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John Fugh, Jr. said:
Is it by design that everything gets larger except the text in the sermon?
I see the same thing and agree this is not what I would expect.
I think this is a bug that ought to be addressed.
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Graham and John,
We have opened a ticket on this issue, and we are working on a solution.
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Thanks Joe
Appreciated, Graham
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Thank you
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Joe - Checking to see if there’s an update. Thanks!
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John Fugh, Jr. said:
Joe - Checking to see if there’s an update. Thanks!
Hi John,
We are still working on this, and this case has not been closed yet.
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Joe McCune (Faithlife) said:
We are still working on this, and this case has not been closed yet.
Would love an update on this to see where this bug sits on the priority list. Thank you.