Bible reference only

When entering a bible reference a prompt appears for TAB for an inline insert and ENTER for a new block insert, but on some occasions I need a third option to move on with just the reference, for example when I just need the reminder of the passage I want to read directly from my own Bible (especially if it's a relatively long passage).
At the moment I have to insert text after the reference, then hit ENTER, then go back using cursor keys or clicking to delete the unneeded text. It's doable, but wastes time I shouldn't need to waste.
Any suggestions? How about a CTRL+ENTER or SHIFT+ENTER to get a new paragraph without filling in passage text?
Hi David - and welcome to the forums
The behaviour you are describing is new - introduced in 9.7 - and there are discussions as to how it could be improved at
David Causby said:How about a CTRL+ENTER or SHIFT+ENTER to get a new paragraph without filling in passage text?
I think I have seen similar suggestions to this but can't find them at the moment.
If you add a full stop after the reference it doesn't include the scripture block when you press Enter. Would this work for you?
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Hi Graham - thanks for your welcome and the quick reply.
Adding the full stop works and is an acceptable workaround for now.
I had a quick glance through the first set of comments in the discussion you referenced and it seems there are quite a few who have similar problems. One of the replies from what seems to be a Faithlife staff member seems to suggest a very narrow view for how the function should be used rather than accounting for how it could be used.
Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.