Custom Milestone for Unpublished Chapter and Verse Markers

David Burton
David Burton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to personally compile a set of new texts on the PBB with verses and chapter markers that can be referenced and found through the Verse Search Bar (My apologies if that's the wrong term, I am generally very new to this and don't remember it's technical name). As of yet, it appears that I can only reference materials already on the Faithlife Public Library and page numbers.

I have also found similar solutions such as using Heading 1, Heading 2, etc... but that can not be jumped to through the verse search bar.

Using page numbers to be searchable works, though it would be unideal, especially since the collection would include multiple books, also I wouldn't be able to use the verse numbers.

I apologize that this is an odd and specific question that likely doesn't have a solution due to it's peculiarity, but if there is one, this is my last resort at finding it.

God bless you all.

