can someone tell me how to search a verse?

Hi. I'm still learning
If I want to search the source of a verse, for example, " be still, and know that I am God" or " create in me a new heart", how do I do that??? I know OF these verses, but not where in the Bible they are found
Thanks to anyone who can help!
David, click on the search (the magnifying glass) and make sure that you have "Bible" search selected (not Basic, Syntax, or Morph) in the upper right. if you are looking for an exact phrase match, put quotation marks around the phrase. If you want to search key terms, enter something like:
clean AND heart
and it will search references with those two words together. Also, take a look at the "search" video at (scroll down the list of videos until you see "Bible Searching"). Also check out the "Basic Searching" video, and any other that will help you.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Do this:
Coose "bible search" and choose "top bibles" as the search range.
Pick the "search while you type" choice.
This is what it should look like:
Another way is to just type "be still and know" in a bible search (not search as you type).
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert, your screen capture tools are cooler than mine. [:)]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Thanks to all ( and hey, my first discussion)
I did do as everyone suggests, put in quotation marks, etc) but wasn't quite getting the result(s)
If you are familiar with a "boolean" search - is that what I should be doing?? I want to get as specific a result as I can , not the word "create" one place and "heart" another far off. I just want that one phrase ( in this example, from Psalm 51) and then see if that idea ( creating a new heart) is in other parts pof scripture
can you tell the search engine to search "create" and then within 2 words"me" and then within 5 words"heart'?
and if so, how?
( this is very helpful, thanks!)
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Philip Spitzer said:
Don't forget about this option.
orrrr, just call Mr. Philip Spitzer @ 555-0777, tell him personally what you want, and he can search it and post it on this forum. He is that good! [:P]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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David McGivern said:
I did do as everyone suggests, put in quotation marks, etc) but wasn't quite getting the result(s)
I usually find it better to list the key words you are searching for (remove words like "the" and "a") without quotes.[be still know] is equivalent to [be AND still AND know]. Searching the top bibles is helpful because you may be remembering the words from on translation rather then the one you are searching in.
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Dan DeVilder said:
orrrr, just call Mr. Philip Spitzer @ 555-0777, tell him personally what you want, and he can search it and post it on this forum. He is that good!
Thanks for reminding me to forward that number to your number, Dan :-)
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David McGivern said:
can you tell the search engine to search "create" and then within 2 words"me" and then within 5 words"heart'?
try (create WITHIN 2 words me) NEAR heart
I included NEAR in there because it seemed like a keyword you might be interested in.
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Here is a helpful link to the Wiki. You will notice terms you can use for your search. Also note the upper right hand of the page for the links to other pages about Basic searching, etc. I think you want to know about the "Within X words" search method. I did a "create WITHIN 7 words heart" and got your passage.
You might want to look up dictionaries and encyclopedias for "heart" (Bible ones) and see their entries. OR, look at a commentary. One related idea, though it does not use your exact terms, is God's promise to give us "hearts of flesh."
A few things:
- quotation marks makes the search for those EXACT words. If one word is off, no results.
- I don't remember what the other "things" were, lol
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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David McGivern said:
If you are familiar with a "boolean" search - is that what I should be doing?? I want to get as specific a result as I can , not the word "create" one place and "heart" another far off. I just want that one phrase ( in this example, from Psalm 51) and then see if that idea ( creating a new heart) is in other parts pof scripture
For Boolean search put the operators in all caps, e.g. AND, WITHIN, etc. and the search terms in lower case.
Also you can make your search a less strict by selecting "Match all word forms" from the drop-down menu in the search panel. Just click the magnifying glass in the upper left.
Deselect "Match all word forms" for exact matches (create), select to match other forms of the word (e.g. create, creating, creates, created, etc.). Unless you want to limit your search to specific terms, I'd recommend leaving this option selected.
David McGivern said:can you tell the search engine to search "create" and then within 2 words"me" and then within 5 words"heart'?
The following page on the WIKI gives detailed instructions on all types of searches, including Boolean Proximity searches of the type you want to do here.
Hope that helps.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Thanks to everyone
I finally got it to work
One last question for today?
I begin each morning meditation with " Be still and know that I am God", psalm 46. I want to research "stillness", slowing all and simply being still before God at the start of the day
Can this, stillness, be researched, with Logos 4?
I am grateful to all who responded today
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David McGivern said:
One last question for today?
I begin each morning meditation with " Be still and know that I am God", psalm 46. I want to research "stillness", slowing all and simply being still before God at the start of the day
Can this, stillness, be researched, with Logos 4?
It's tough to do that with search parameters in L4. You're looking for a concept, not a word. Concepts can be presented in many different ways (words, phrases).
But, if you have the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, or the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (NTSK), you can open it and look under "Be still" for what it has to say. I open the NTSK and find 7 Scriptures that talk about being still before God. While the NTSK isn't always complete, it is often enough to get me where I need to be.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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David McGivern said:
Can this, stillness, be researched, with Logos 4?
I would suggest several things.
First, right click on "still" In Ps 46:10. then select on the right of the menu "Lemma", then select "Bible Word Study". This will show you where else the word is used and other info about the word. Then do a search of your library for Ps 46:10. You could limit the search to your topicals. This will help you connect to other passages with related themes.