Sermon Editor Verse Reference Bug?

danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I ran into a behavior today that I believe is a bug in the sermon editor. I have a sermon document with several pages of writing and several verse reference boxes mixed in. In reviewing a sermon, I decided I wanted to pull up a referenced text from a text box in a new pane. Rather than type it in, I wanted to do it from the reference at the top of the verse box. In doing so I ran into several strange behaviors. The steps I did and the results I received are as follows:

1) Find a verse box to use

2. Select the verse reference at the top and get a dropdown box


3) Double-click the top entry to attempt to open the reference. This does not do anything but for some reason alters the reference in the verse box to a larger font and I believe is changing the link type. Note the larger text size of the link at the top of the verse box.

4) Now I am able to click on the 'enlarged' link in the verse box and have it open the reference in my default Bible in a new pane.

5) Now the big problem. I can no longer get a curser or do any editing in the sermon document. It appears stuck in some kind of mode and the only way I can get the cursor or ability to edit text again is to close and re-open the sermon document. The 'altered' links retain their new state (larger font and changed link behavior) if I close and re-open the sermon document. The only way to get back to the original formatting is to delete the verse box and re-create it.



  • Dustin Mackintosh
    Dustin Mackintosh Member, Logos Employee Posts: 40

    I can explain what is going on in the first 4 steps, but that last one sounds like a bug I haven't seen yet. 

    In the regular passage block on Desktop, that Scripture reference is not a link. It instead opens up a little popup that allows you to change the passage reference in the block. By clicking on the first result you are selecting the same passage that you started with. 

    By double-clicking, it is transforming the block into an editable passage block. I expect that was unexpected when clicking in the passage reference selector popup so we can certainly address that. The formatting is a bit different in the editable passage block, hence the "enlarged link". 

    The editable passage block does have the passage reference as a link. However you definitely should not be blocked from continuing to edit your document. I will try and replicate this issue, thanks for the report!

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    Makes sense, thanks. I would prefer a single click brings up the reference in a new pane like standard link behavior in Logos and then a double click or hitting the edit icon that appears to the right would allow editing. Just to keep things more consistent.