Suggestion: The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century: Third Fully Revised Edition

Pater Noster
Pater Noster Member Posts: 344 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century: Third Fully Revised Edition is coming out in January! The 1st edition was in Logos many years ago, then stopped; the 2nd revision was never in Logos despite strong interest. Maybe we can get the 3rd edition in Verbum? 

The first two editions (published in 1968 and 1990 respectively) were edited by Fr. Raymond Brown S.S., Fr. Joseph Fitzmyer S.J., and Fr. Roland Murphy O.Carm. All of these editors were among the most well-known Catholic biblical scholars of the late 20th century. The upcoming third edition features a brand new list of editors: John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Sr. Barbara Reid O.P., and Fr. Donald Senior C.P. (I have read a number of the works of Sr. Barbara Reid and  Fr. Donald Senior, they are excellent!)

Pope Francis has also written a foreword for the new edition!

Per the publisher Bloomsbury Publishing - "the entire content of the commentary has been revised to bring it up-to-date with the very latest scholarship, featuring the leading international Catholic scholars of our day."

Table of Contents

List of Contributors
Foreword – Pope Francis
Introduction, John J. Collins (Yale University, USA); Gina Hens-Piazza (Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, USA); Barbara Reid OP (Catholic Theological Union, USA); Donald Senior CP (Catholic Theological Union, USA)

Part One: Introductory Articles
1. Biblical Geography, Leslie J. Hoppe O.F.M. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
2. Archaeology and the Old Testament, Jose Balcells (Santa Clara University, USA)
3. Archaeology and the New Testament, Laurie Brink O.P. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
4. Israel and Judah: History and Society, Peter Dubovsky S.J. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy)
5. Judaism in the time of Jesus, John J Collins (Yale University, USA)
6. The Historical Jesus, JP Meier (University of Notre Dame, USA)
7. Early Christianity in Context, Carolyn Osiek RSCJ (Society of the Sacred Heart, USA)

Part Two: The Old Testament
8. Introduction to the Pentateuch, Dominik Markl S.J. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy)
9. Genesis, Mark S. Smith (Princeton Theological Seminary, USA)
10. Exodus, Barbara Green O.P. (Graduate Theological Union, USA)
11. Leviticus, Thomas Hieke (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)
12. Numbers, Dale Launderville O.S.B. (Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, USA)
13. Deuteronomy, Don C. Benjamin (Arizona State University, USA)
14. Introduction to the Historical Books, Peter Dubovsky S.J. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Italy)
15. Joshua, Dermot Nestor (Australian Catholic University, Australia)
16. Judges, Mahri Leonard-Fleckman (University of Scranton, USA)
17. Ruth, Gina Hens-Piazza (Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, USA)
18. 1 Samuel, David Bosworth (The Catholic University of America, USA)
19. 2 Samuel, Antony F Campbell S.J. (University of Melbourne, Australia) with Mark O'Brien O.P. (University of Divinity, Australia)
20. 1 Kings, Andrew R. Davis (Boston College, USA)
21. 2 Kings, Garrett Galvin O.F.M. (Franciscan School of Theology, USA)
22. 1 & 2, Richard Bautch (St. Edward's University, USA)
23. Ezra-Nehemiah, Mila Diaz-Solano O.P. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
24. Tobit, John Endres S.J. (Graduate Theological Union, USA)
25. Judith, Toni Craven (Texas Christian University, USA) with John J. Collins (Yale Divinity School, USA)
26. Esther, Irene Nowell O.S.B. (Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, USA)
27. 1 – 2 Maccabees,  Robert Doran (Amherst College, USA)
28. Job, Rebecca Raphael (Texas State University, USA) with John J. Collins (Yale Divinity Schools, USA)
29. Psalms, Konrad Schaefer O.S.B. (Mount Angel Abbey, USA)
30. Introduction to Wisdom Literature, John L. McLaughlin (Toronto School of Theology, Canada)
31. Proverbs, C.T.R. Hayward (Independent Scholar, UK)
32. Ecclesiastes, Juana L. Manzo (University of St. Thomas, USA)
33. Song of Songs, Dianne Bergant C.S.A. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
34. Wisdom of Solomon, Karina Hogan (Fordham University, USA)
35. Sirach, Jeremy Corley (St Patrick's College, Republic of Ireland)
36. Introduction to Prophetic Literature, Gina Hens-Piazza (Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, USA)
37. Isaiah 1-39, Mary Mills SCHJ (Newman University, UK)
38. Isaiah 40-55, Richard J. Clifford S.J. (Boston College, USA)
39. Isaiah 56-66, Carol J. Dempsey O.P. (University of Portland, USA)
40. Jeremiah, Benedetta Rossi (Pontificia Universita Urbaniana, Italy)
41. Lamentations, Ahida E. Calderón Pilarski (Saint Anselm College, USA)
42. Baruch, Nuria Calduch-Benages (Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy)
43. Old Testament Apocalypticism and Eschatology, John J Collins (Yale Divinity School, USA)
44. Ezekiel, Paul Joyce (King's College London, UK)
45. Daniel, Molly Zahn (University of Kansas, USA)
50. Hosea, David Penchansky (University of St. Thomas, USA)
51. Joel, Stacy Davis (St. Mary's College, USA)
52. Obadiah, Victor Zhuk S.J. (Jesuit School of Theology, USA)
53. Amos, John L. McLaughlin (University of Toronto, Canada)
54. Jonah, Claire Mathews McGuiness (Loyola University Maryland, USA)
55. Micah, Dominic Sundararaj Irudayaraj S.J. (Jesuit School of Theology, USA)
56. Zephaniah, Kabamba Emmanuel Nshimbi S.J. (Jesuit Province of South Africa and Michael Simone S.J., Boston College, USA)
57. Nahum, Michael Simone S.J. (Boston College, USA)
58. Habakkuk, Harry P. Nasuti (Fordham University, USA)
59. Haggai, Luma A. Khudher O.P. (University of Notre Dame, USA)
60. Zechariah, John R. Barker O.F.M. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
61. Malachi, Katherine M. Hayes (Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, USA)

Part Three: The New Testament
62. From Jesus to the Second Century Apostolic Church, Joseph Verheyden (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
63. Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels, Ronald D. Witherup S.S. (Superior General of the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice, France)
64. Matthew, Ian Boxall (Catholic University of America, USA)
65. Mark, Brendan Byrne S.J. (Jesuit Theological College, Australia)
66. Luke, Michael Patella O.S.B. (Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, USA)
67. Introduction to Johannine Literature, Mary Coloe pbvm (University of Divinity, Australia)
68. John, Urban C. van Wahlde (Loyola University Chicago, USA)
69. Acts, vanThanh Nguyen S.V.D. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
70. Introduction to the New Testament Letters, Thomas H. Tobin S.J. (Loyola University Chicago, USA)
71. Romans, Sheila E. McGinn (John Carroll University, USA)
72. 1 Corinthians, Alan C. Mitchell (Georgetown University, USA)
73. 2 Corinthians - Maria Pascuzzi C.S.J., Saint Mary's College of California, USA
74. Galatians, Vincent Branick (University of Dayton, USA)
75. The Letter to the Ephesians, John Gillman (San Diego State University, USA)
76. The Letter to the Philippians, Pheme Perkins( Boston College, USA)
77. The Letter to the Colossians, Patricia McDonald (The Pontifical Beda College, Italy)
78. 1 Thessalonians, Raymond F. Collins (Brown University, USA)
79. 2 Thessalonians, Scott N. Brodeur S.J. (Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy)
80. Titus, Margaret Y. McDonald (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada)
81. 1 Timothy, Henry Wansbrough O.S.B. (Ampleforth Abbey, UK)
82. 2 Timothy, Benedict Viviano O.P. (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
83. The Letter to Philemon, Fearghus Ó Fearghail (Mater Dei Institute of Education, Republic of Ireland)
84. The Letter to the Hebrews, Harold W. Attridge (Yale Divinity School, USA)
85. James, Patrick J. Hartin (Gonzaga University, USA)
86. 1 Peter, Sherri Brown (Creighton University, USA)
87. 2 Peter, Terrance Callan (Mount St. Mary's Seminary, USA)
88. Johannine Epistles, Francis Moloney S.J. (Australian Catholic University, Australia)
89. Jude, Florence Gillman (University of San Diego, USA)
90. Revelation, Adela Yarbro Collins (Yale Divinity School, USA)

Part Four: General Articles

The Bible and Catholic Tradition
91. “According to the Scriptures” – Biblical Interpretation Prior to 1600 - Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago, USA and Susan E. Schreiner, University of Chicago, USA
92. Interpreting the Scriptures – the Church and the Modern Catholic Biblical Renewal Donald Senior C.P., Catholic 93. Theological Union, USA
93. The Bible as Sacred Scripture: Revelation; Inspiration; Canon - Denis Farkasfalvy, University of Dallas, USA

The Bible and Contemporary Catholicism
94. Feminist Biblical Interpretation, Barbara Reid O.P. (Catholic Theological Union, USA)
95. The Bible and Social Justice, Carol Dempsey O.P. (University of Portland, USA)
96. Literary Approaches to the Bible, Gina Hens-Piazza (Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, USA) and Jean Francois Racine (Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, USA)
97. Latinx Biblical Interpretation, Francisco Lozada Jr (Brite Divinity School, USA)
98. Asian American Biblical Interpretation, Seung Ai Yang (Chicago Theological Seminary, USA) and Sunhee Jun (Chicago Theological Seminary, USA)
97. African and African-American Biblical Interpretation, Stacy Davis (St. Mary's College, USA)

The Bible and the Life of the Church
98. Bible in the Life of the Church, Frank J. Matera S.J. (St Mary's Church, USA)
99. The Bible and Liturgy, Eileen Schuller O.S.U. (McMaster University, Canada) and Guerric deBona OSB (St. Meinrad Seminary, USA)
100. Bible and Ethics/Modern Life, James F. Keenan S.J. (Boston College, USA)
101. Ecumenism Interreligious Relations and the Bible, Mary C. Boys SNJM (Columbia University, USA)
