In time for Lent ... please ...
MJ. Smith
MVP Posts: 53,878
Please make the reading of St. John Climacus' The Ladder of Divine Ascent which is a traditional Byzantine Christian Lenten reading available as a predefined plan in Verbum. It can be found many places but here is one:
Table for Reading The Ladder of Divine Ascent during the Great Fast (Lent)
Week | Day | Third Hour | Sixth Hour | Ninth Hour |
First | Mon. | 1:1-7 | 1:8-18 | 1:19-27 |
Tue. | 2 | 3:1-15 | 3:16-29 | |
Wed. | 4:1-10 | 4:11-15 | 4:16-22 | |
Thu. | 4:23-26 | 4:27-30 | 4:31-34 | |
Fri. | 4:35-41 | 4:42-57 | 4:58-71 | |
Second | Mon. | 4:72-91 | 4:92-109 | 4:110-112 |
Tue. | 4:113-126 | 5:1-12 | 5:13-18 | |
Wed. | 5:19-23 | 5:24-28 | 5:29-42 | |
Thu. | 6 | 7:1-16 | 7:17-31 | |
Fri. | 7:32-47 | 7:48-56 | 7:57-70 | |
Third | Mon. | 8:1-18 | 8:19-29 | 9 |
Tue. | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
Wed. | 13 | 14:1-23 | 14:24-36 | |
Thu. | 15:1-16 | 15:17-29 | 15:30-41 | |
Fri. | 15:42-55 | 15:56-65 | 15:66-75 | |
Fourth | Mon. | 15:76-81 | 15:82-90 | 16 |
Tue. | 17 | 18 | 19 | |
Wed. | 20 | 21 | 22:1-28 | |
Thu. | 22:29-46 | 23:1-18 | 23:19-37 | |
Fri. | 23:38-52 | 24:1-19 | 24:20-34 | |
Fifth | Mon. | 25:1-9 | 25:10-29 | 25:30-51 |
Tue. | 25:52-69 | 26:1:16 | 26:17-27 | |
Wed. | 26:28-50 | 26:51-69 | 26:70-88 | |
Thu. | 26:89-109 | 26:110-123 | 26:124-139 | |
Fri. | 26:140-153 | 26:154-170 | 26:171-189 | |
Sixth | Mon. | 26a:1-37 | 26a:38-65 | 27:1-16 |
Tue. | 27:17-28 | 27:29-40 | 27:41-56 | |
Wed. | 27:57-70 | 27:71-87 | 28:1-16 | |
Thu. | 28:17-29 | 28:30-50 | 28:51-64 | |
Fri. | 29 | 30:1-19 | 30:20-end |
Originally posted at Byzantine Ramblings
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."