Uploading multiple files

Lynden O. Williams
Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have about 100 user created files (Logos resources) and I am sure that some of them have not been backed up to Faithlife servers. 

What is the quickest way to upload them so that they can be downloaded again on a new computer, reinstall of Logos etc.?

Mission: To serve God as He desires.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,150

    I have about 100 user created files (Logos resources)

    Do you mean these are Personal Books?

    If so, you could use the Upload button in the Personal Book Tool

    Note, this only uploads and syncs the compiled resource, not the .docx source file.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    I believe there is also a maximum size limit, i.e., PPT files exceeding a certain number of MBs (don't remember the size) cannot be uploaded. So I assume you have to recreate them on your new computer.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    I have about 100 user created files (Logos resources)

    Do you mean these are Personal Books?

    If so, you could use the Upload button in the Personal Book Tool

    which works only in single mode, i.e. there's no selecting a dozen and uploading them all, but this tedious process:

    • open the first PB project for edit,
    • see if Upload button is clickable,
      • if yes, click Upload, then repeat with next PB project
      • If no, rebuild PB, once this is done, button becomes clickable, click Upload, then repeat with next PB project
      • (if button still is greyed out: the PB is likely too large to be uploaded, note it on the side for special treatment, e.g. Scan or Build on 2nd platform, then repeat with next PB project)

    This will ultimately work. I made it a habit to upload all PBs I intend to keep (i.e. other than compile tests) instantly after the build while I'm still in the PB tool.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    Armin said:

    I believe there is also a maximum size limit, i.e., PPT files exceeding a certain number of MBs (don't remember the size) cannot be uploaded.

    I assume you mean the .lbspbb-file i.e. the compiled Logos resource file. Yes that's true - it's relevant that this is not the .docx Word source file size, but the compiled Logos files size - and I marked this in my process description, but it affects only a small number of PBs which would contain an enormous amount of text and/or pictures.

    My standard example would be Mark Barnes book from I think 2014 that was a compilation of every existing Wikipedia article related to religion/Christianity in any way - this was about 300MB and won't upload. I do think Talmud Steinsaltz also is too large for Upload - EDIT: and of course MJ Smith's Basic Search Tips and her Documentation of all Logos/Verbum functionality /EDIT - but overall it's really a small number; having built several hundreds of PBs, more than 95% of my PB resources are smaller than 10MB, the median size is 420kB.   

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Thanks. Was looking for a batch upload. Reset my computer and did not have a drive large enough to backup Logos. Still on step 1 after probably 20 minutes or more. "Preparing to download Resources" I do have over 18,000 resources but I figured is should have started downloading by now. Is this normal?

    This is the first time that I have downloaded and installed from scratch.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Which file should I delete (cannot remember) so that the entire library will download. Restarted the software and the computer, but all resources will  not download. Typed "updated resources" and "update now" but the rest of the library will not download.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Typed "updated resources" and "update now" but the rest of the library will not download.

    See your other thread. 

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