Topic Study Suggestions

I'm researching a sermon on "dreaming for the future". What is the best way to start in Logos? I thought about topic guide but it deals with biblical dreams like an actual dream. Any suggestions?
Hi Timothy:
I would start to look at resources that touch on dreams, to enlarge the conceptual framework.
By reading the information in the products pages you will probably find key words, concepts, areas that may relate to your intended message.
To my understanding, there are human dreams, and pious dreams (inspired by God), big difference, usually Pious dreams are way too big to handle, and maybe that is how God wants it to be, because that way when the dream is manifested in reality, all the glory goes to Him.
You can also look for key concepts in your library to see what comes up:
Long time ago I read that one's noticing of the possibility of a better reality in a given area, is related to the mission one has, and the possible pious dream God gives one to help change that situation to align better with God's intended state of affairs in that area.
Very interesting topic, but you must find for yourself the area that God wants you to get involved in, to align it better with His Kingdom and His intent for that area.
Hope this helps.
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Try running a Topic Guide on "Desire" and look at the section in that guide for "Bible Sense Lexicon".
This will give you a whole bunch of synonyms for the word desire.
Why desire? The first thing I thought of was the question "What do you do when you dream of/for something?".
You desire it, so I searched for Desire. Might not be the right path for you to research but it is at least an idea.
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I would do a topic search on hope.
Thesaurus Hope
- confidence
confidence, expectation, optimism, anticipation, courage, hopefulness, faith
antonym: despair
- chance
chance, prospect, likelihood, possibility, promise, potential
antonym: impossibility
- desire
desire, aspiration, dream, expectation, plan, wish, goal
Thesaurus Dream
- vision
vision, daydream, reverie, nightmare, hallucination, delusion, trance, fantasy
antonym: reality
- aspiration
aspiration, wish, goal, hope, ambition, desire, pipe dream, castle in Spain, castle in the air
- delight
delight, joy, pleasure, marvel, ideal
antonym: nightmare
Dictionary dream [dreem]noun (plural dreams)1. sequence of mental images during sleep: a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events 2. daydream: a series of images, usually pleasant ones, that pass through the mind of somebody who is awake 3. something hoped for: something that somebody hopes, longs, or is ambitious for, usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances 4. idle hope: an idea or hope that is impractical or unlikely ever to be realized 5. vague state: a state of inattention owing to preoccupation with thoughts or fantasies - walks around in a dream
6. something beautiful: somebody or something that seems particularly good-looking or wonderful verb (past and past participle dreamed or dreamt [dremt], present participle dream·ing, 3rd person present singular dreams)1. transitive and intransitive verb have dream while sleeping: to experience vivid mental images of something while sleeping 2. intransitive verb daydream: to let the mind dwell on pleasant scenes and images while awake, often resulting in inattention 3. intransitive verb wish: to want something very much and imagine having or doing it, though it may be unlikely - dreamed of living abroad
4. intransitive verb consider: to think of or consider doing something regarded as wrong or inappropriate - How could you even dream of doing such a thing?
adjectiveideal: perfect and wonderful in every way - a dream vacation
[13th century. Origin ?]
-dream·ful, adjectivein your dreams used to indicate that somebody's hope or expectation is completely unrealistic (informal)Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.