Welcome to Logos 10!

Logos 10 is here!
Here’s an overview of the new features in Logos 10. Not all features are available on every platform, but we’ve worked hard to deliver a consistent experience regardless of the platform you’re on, making it easier for you to continue your study no matter where you are and which device you have with you. Some features will be free for all users and some will be available in paid packages. Check out the feature comparison chart for a full breakdown.
Advanced Timeline: A refreshed Timeline makes it simpler to focus on the events that matter most and see them in historical context.
Auto Translation: Instant translation opens a whole new world of resources.
Church History Themes: A combination of a new dataset and base package resources will help users to understand theology in its historical context.
Factbook Tags: Artificial intelligence adds millions of tags to the books you already own.
Favorites: A refreshed favorites tool makes it even easier to add and find the passages that are important to you.
Improved Speed: Native support for Apple Silicon gives a good performance increase across the board for everyone with an M1 processor. .NET 6 support gives everyone using Windows a good performance increase across the board.
Modern UI: A simpler, more customizable interface makes Logos more accessible to new users, gives more space to power users, and makes common tasks more accessible.
Print Library Catalog: Bring the power of Logos to your print Library.
Questions and Answers: A new Questions and Answers dataset helps you locate answers to common - and not-so-common - questions about the Bible.
Popular Quotes: When writing sermons in Sermon Builder, users will be able to search for helpful quotations that can be inserted into the sermon.
Sermon Import: Preachers can import existing sermons into Logos to then take advantage of Preaching Mode, automatic slide creation, and Sermon Manager planning and wider integration into Logos.
Simpler Search: A simpler search syntax and clearer UI makes searching quicker and more intuitive, opening up the power of Logos Search to everyone.
Auto Translation: You can now translate any text with the click of a button.
- Advanced Timeline: A refreshed Timeline makes it simpler to focus on the events that matter most and see them in historical context.
Church History Themes: A combination of a new dataset and base package resources will help users to understand theology in its historical context.
More Modern Look: The web app has a new, modern design, giving you a more pleasant experience when navigating the web app.
- Popular Quotes: You will be able to search for the quotations dataset and insert any suggestion with a drag/drop.
Search: A new, simplified query syntax allows you to run searches easily and quickly.
Sermon Import: You can upload one or many sermons, which are then imported into Sermon Manager. The sermons are automatically scanned and tagged for Bible references.
Check out what’s new on the Logos 10 Web App.
More Tiles on Tablets: New layout modes for tablets allow users to have up to six books and tools on their screen at the same time.
Enhanced Panel Linking: Users can now have up to three link sets (A, B, C) with the option to link resources as follow-only.
Canvas on iPad: You can now create, edit, and save Canvas documents on your iPad!
Draw on Screen on iPad: Users can now markup their text with pen, pencil and highlighter with several color options. Users can copy, share, and save the image to photos or in a new note.
Sermon Manager on iPad: Manage your sermons on the go.
Read Aloud: Nearly every resource can now be turned into an audiobook.
New Selection Menu: Highlighting, note-taking and word information cards have never been quicker to access and easier to use!
- Print Library Catalog: You can add your print books into your Logos library by scanning their ISBN barcodes from the mobile app. You can search inside those books on the Desktop app.
Check out what's new in the Logos Mobile app.
Church History Ontology
Factbook Tags: Aramaic Lemmas
Factbook Tag: Greek Words
Factbook Tags: Hebrew Words
Factbook Tags: Manuscripts
Factbook Tags: People Names
Factbook Tags: Theological Terms
Bible Questions and Answers Supplemental Data
Interlinear Reverso da Bíblia Ave-Maria: Deuterocanônicos (pt)
Interlinear Reverso da Bíblia Ave-Maria: Variantes dos Deuterocanônicos (pt)
Interlinear Reverso da Bíblia Ave-Maria: Novo Testamento (pt)
Interlinear Reverso da Bíblia Ave-Maria: Antigo Testamento (pt)
Old Testament Spanish-Greek Reverse Interlinear for Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (en)
Old Testament Spanish-Greek Reverse Interlinear for Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (Greek Variants) (en)
New Testament Reverse Interlinear for Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (es)
Old Testament Spanish-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear for Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (en)
The Complete Jewish Bible English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Complete Jewish Bible English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Darby Bible English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Darby Bible English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
Interlineardatensatz zur Elberfelder CSV (AT) (de)
Interlineardatensatz zur Elberfelder CSV (NT) (de)
The Legacy Standard English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Legacy Standard English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
NOVA ALMEIDA ATUALIZADA (NAA) Interlinear Reversa -NT (pt)
NOVA ALMEIDA ATUALIZADA (NAA) Interlinear Reversa -AT (pt)
The NASB 1977 English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The NASB 1977 English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
Interlinéaire inversé de la NBS 2002 (AT) (fr)
Interlinéaire inversé de la NBS 2002 (NT) (fr)
The NCV English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The NCV English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The New English (NEB) English-Greek Apocrypha Reverse Interlinear (en)
The New English (NEB) English-Greek Apocrypha (Variants) Reverse Interlinear (en)
The New English (NEB) English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The New English (NEB) English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The NRSVue English-Greek Reverse Interlinear Deuterocanon and Apocrypha (en)
The NRSVue English-Greek Reverse Interlinear Deuterocanon and Apocrypha (Variant Texts) (en)
The NRSVue English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament (en)
The NRSVue English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (en)
Nova Versão Internacional Interlinear Reversa -AT (pt)
The Passion Translation English-Greek New Testament (en)
中文反向逐字对照和合本修订版新约圣经 (简体) (zh-Hans) | Revised Chinese Union Version (Simplified Script - Shangti), NT Reverse Interlinear (en)
中文反向逐字对照和合本修订版旧约圣经 (简体) (zh-Hans) | Revised Chinese Union Version (Simplified Script - Shangti), OT Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Revised English (REB) English-Greek Apocrypha Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Revised English (REB) English-Greek Apocrypha (Variants) Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Revised English (REB) English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Revised English (REB) English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
Interlineal inverso del Nuevo Testamento español-griego, Reina-Valera Actualizada (es)
Interlineal inverso del Antiguo Testamento español-hebreo, Reina-Valera Actualizada (es)
Interlineal inverso del Antiguo Testamento español-hebreo, Reina Valera Contemporánea (es)
Interlineal inverso del Nuevo Testamento español-griego, Reina Valera Contemporánea (es)
The Tree of Life Version English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Tree of Life Version English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Young's Literal (YLT) English-Greek New Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
The Young's Literal (YLT) English-Hebrew Old Testament Reverse Interlinear (en)
Interlineardatensatz zur Zürcher Bibel (NT) (de)
Interlineardatensatz zur Zürcher Bibel (AT) (de)
Church History Themes Media
The library resources below are included with "Feature Sets" because they provide content to Logos 10 features. See the library comparison chart to explore more library resources.
Glaubensbekenntnisse, Bekenntnistexte und Katechismen: Ein Leitfaden (de)
Credos, confesiones y catecismos: una guía (es)
Répertoire des symboles, confessions de foi et catéchismes (fr)
신조, 신앙고백, 교리문답: 안내서 (ko)
Credos, Confissões e Catecismos: Um Guia (pt)
信经、信条和教理问答:指南 (zh-Hans)
信經、信條和教理問答:指南 (zh-Hant)
The NASSCAL Handbook of Christian Apocryphal Literature (en)
Ecumenical Councils (en)
Conciles œcuméniques (fr)
세계 공의회 (ko)
大公会议 (zh-Hans)
大公會議 (zh-Hant)
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: A Guide (en)
Die Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments - Ein Leitfaden (de)
구약 위경: 안내서 (ko)
旧约伪经 (zh-Hans)
舊約偽經 (zh-Hant)
Wordplay in the Bible (en)
Wortspiel in der Bibel (de)
Juego de palabras en la Biblia (es)
Jeux de mots dans la Bible (fr)
성경 속 언어유희 (ko)
Jogo de Palavras na Bíblia (pt)
圣经中的文字游戏 (zh-Hans)
聖經中的文字遊戲 (zh-Hant)
Church History Themes (en)
Themen der Kirchengeschichte (de)
Temas de la Historia de la Iglesia (es)
Thèmes de l'histoire de l'Église (fr)
교회사 주제별 자료 (ko)
Temas da História da Igreja (pt)
教会历史主题 (zh-Hans)
教會歷史主題 (zh-Hant)
Lists from Church History (en)
Listen aus der Kirchengeschichte (de)
Listas de la Historia de la Iglesia (es)
Listes de l'histoire de l'Église (fr)
교회사 목록 (ko)
Listas de Pessoas, Lugares, Objetos e Eventos na História da Igreja (pt)
教会历史列表 (zh-Hans)
教會歷史列表 (zh-Hant)
To learn more, visit the Logos 10 feature page.
Additional helpful links:
Schedule a demo: 888-402-2184 or sales@faithlife.com
Need additional help? Reach out on the Logos 10 Desktop forum, or:
Visit our Logos Help Center
Contact us via email: customerservice@faithlife.com
Contact us via phone: 800-875-6467
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager