BHS now shows Google Translate when you highlight a word

So I am using BHS on my iPhone 12 version 15.6.1 and Logos 10.1.0 with TestFlight with BHS and I primarily want to see Word Info.  Is there a way to hide Google translate and to make sure it doesn't count against my account for when I want Latin or German Translated on the desktop?

While we are at it, can we rearrange  the highlighting and copy/share/etc part of the pop up.  I just want the parsing, the gloss and the ability to open HALOT.  You could move those things to the bottom of the popup.

Dramatic improvement in the Mobile App parsing since it now opens HALOT to the right version of the Hebrew root.  I kept meaning to report that in the last version.



  • Bobby Bosler
    Bobby Bosler Member Posts: 159 ✭✭

    I agree, especially not wanting it to count against my monthly translation limit. Perhaps a solution would be to allow us to enable/disable and reorder the types of cards that appear. There are some times when I would personally want the translate card at the top and other times when I definitely would not. User customization is always awesome.

  • Paul C. Rogers
    Paul C. Rogers Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Also it can be completely wrong as here

  • Paul C. Rogers
    Paul C. Rogers Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    And now that I look at the panels closely I notice that you can request 'Translate' on the Copy/Share/Translate/Note line.  Please remove the automatic interposition of Translate before 'Word Info'.    

    Version 10.1 is a dramatic improvement over version 9's Word Info since the pointers into HALOT now go the the correct number of the root in Hebrew.  In version 9 they always went to root 1.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,069

    Hi Paul

    In the latest beta (build 55) there is an option to disable the showing of translation cards