When will Verbum Users be able to add "Church History Themes" to their set of purchased books/datase

As a Verbum 10 user I can chose Church History Themes in the Advanced Timeline but cannot actually see any information because the "Church History Themes" has the "locked" icon next to it. I seem to be unable to purchase it. That's rather frustrating since the Church History Themes was advertised as a marketable new feature in Logos 10. Why wouldn't Verbum users also be able to make use of this? Is there a way for Verbum users to add this?
ATTN Faithlife: I thought I could help Greg solve this problem by directing him to what resource he needs to download to get this feature. But on this support webpage (https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/8944192047245-Church-History-Themes) the link in "make sure you’ve downloaded the Church History Themes resource to your library" is a broken link. You might want to fix that.
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Greg Rose said:
Church History Themes was advertised as a marketable new feature in Logos 10.
You can find more information about this at https://community.logos.com/forums/t/210671.aspx.