

  • Joseph Luna
    Joseph Luna Member Posts: 375 ✭✭

    I will contact them, but if i don't get a positive response, I myself will add the appropriate red color by comparing it to the NASB 1995. 

    Thank you, 

  • Joseph Luna
    Joseph Luna Member Posts: 375 ✭✭

    I wrote to Three Sixteen Publishing, and they responded immediately. Below is the response I received while my original request is found right under. 

    Hello Joseph,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. That is indeed strange since Logos received the correct file as many other digital platforms have received. Feel free to have them reach out to us directly if they need help resolving this issue. We will contact them from our end as well.

    We appreciate your support and feedback!

    In Christ,

    Matt W


    On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 10:43 AM PST, <> wrote:

    Hello, this e-mail is intended for the McArthur group that produced the LSB translation. I own a copy that I acquired through Logos Bible Software. I noticed that the OT quotations that are found in the NT are much larger than normal. The NASB 1995 and the NASB 2020 have the correct size. Logos can't fix this issue because that is the way they received it.

    I also noticed that the words of Christ in the seven letters of Revelation are not all in red. I also contacted Logos about this issue and was told this would require the help of the McArthur team.

    As an avid reader and student of the word of God, using exclusively the LSB and the NASB'95 as my main translations, I respectfully request that your team help in this area, if at all possible.

    I am grateful to the McArthur Team for having produced the best translation on the market today.


    Joseph Luna (End of quote)

    Please advise, thanks.