SS 2023 Teacher Version

I just uploaded a rough copy of the PDF files from copied into a DOCX file.
What happened to our regular team? I have not been involved in this since 2013.
I did ZERO editing to the file. Copy from PDF to DOCX and loaded into Logos and it seems to work.
Thanks David. The finalized version with the tags have been uploaded to the Faithlife site.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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So I have been informed - I deleted my very simple version. Was interesting to compare my simple version to their fantastic version.
I truly apricate the extra work that they do.
Links for anyone wishing to download PDF of the Sabbath School
French and Other languages
Standard Adult, Easy Reading, and Española [ETQ is the teacher's edition]
Beginner (ages birth-2) & [ B ]
Kindergarten (ages 3-4) & [K]
Primary (ages 5-9) & [P]
Junior (ages 10-12) & [PP]
all at
For Early Teens: (ages 13-14)
For Youth (ages 15 -> 18) & [CC] High School
Next quarter’s lessons are normally available one week early
But some may not have them until the start of the first week
I have not found for download any of the weekly handouts
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Can the entire quarterly be imported to my Logos library and how? Only each week's lesson seems to be available
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Can the entire quarterly be imported to my Logos library and how? Only each week's lesson seems to be available
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Colin, I don't see a reply so if you still have this question, the answer is "yes" and here is how.
Go to the Adult Bible Study Guide group.
In the left sidebar, select Bible Study > Logos Documents
Click SS 2023_Q1 Lesson Quarterly to download a zipped folder.
Follow instructions in SSLesson_2023_Q1_ReadMe.txt to build a Personal Book containing both the Standard Edition and Teachers Edition of the Quarterly.
The team tries to make these files available prior to the quarter starting.