BUG?: Disappearing Formatting Bar on iPadOS

Tom Vidal
Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The text formatting bar does not show when I’m composing a note on iPadOS. If I tap out of the note, the bar will appear for a brief moment and then disappear. When I click back into the note, all I see is a thick gray bar (in the Logos App) with the IOS floating keyboard control on top of it. For me that floating control is minimized and shifted to the right of the screen.

For the particulars:

I’m using a 12.9” M1 iPad

Stage Manager is ON.

This happens on the iPad screen or an external display. (I’m working on Logos from an external display at the moment).

iPadOS is 16.2 (20C65)

Logos version is 22.0.1 (0064)

