Bible Study with Verbum Question

I'm developing some study series on the NT for my parish and want to know what the experienced Bible study lesson developers include in their Bible Study layout. Which are your GoTo commentaries?
This is my priority list of Commentaries:
Sacra Pagina
Berit Olam
A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture
Catena Aurea
Early Church Fathers (Catholic Edition)
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Jerome Biblical Commentary (no longer available in Logos, you can sometimes find someone selling it)
Latin/English Edition of the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (R.H. Charles)
The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide
Plus these study Bibles are excellent references:
The Navarre Bible
The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
Little Rock Catholic Study Bible