Suggestion to license a book in Verbum

Hi Verbum,
Is it possible below book to get in verbum? I would like to read
Le Coran [Traduction et Commentaire Systematique], 3 volumes
Bonnet-Eymard, Bruno [Frere]; Published by La Contra-Reforme Catholique, Saint-Parres-lès-Vaudes
in verbum software for my apologetic works against islamic dawas.
Brother Bruno Bonnet Eymard has to date published three volumes, totalling some 1,000 pages of dense script, which has translated and explained in great depth the first five chapters (Suras) of the Qur’an. His research has shown that not only is the Qur’an not a hodgepodge theological work of dubious value, as previous translations might lead people to believe, but that it is a mine of information that is coherent and interesting, and which is the work of a truly erudite man. Although there are still another 109 Suras to translate, his work has revolutionized the study of the Qur’an to the point where one can already say that Islam, as we have known it, has been dealt a fatal blow.
And if anybody knows about this book further please give some reviews