Favorite Visual Filters

I am under-utilizing the Visual Filter tool. Anyone want to give me some good ideas for what to use it for?
Hi! I am sure the gurus of the forum will have very strong examples that will be useful to you but I thought I would get things started. I used to highlight a ton but now I create a visual filter for each Bible book and create highlights in it for key words. I can easily turn each one on/off depending on what I am doing. I have one to show plural "you" so I can tell if the text means one person or more than one. I have the Hebrew names of God in a visual filter so I immediately know which is behind the text. I have one that identifies which "Herod" is being referred to. I have more but those are the ones I use most. I hope others chime in for you! [:)]
"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)
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David Watson said:
I am under-utilizing the Visual Filter tool. Anyone want to give me some good ideas for what to use it for?
- Plural "You"
- Inserted "You" (inserted by the translation).
- Signs of the End (key phrases like "signs of the end" OR "nation? will rise" OR "hear of war?" OR "false christ?" OR earthquake? OR betray OR hat*ed OR abomination)
- Lexicon Formatting e.g. highlighting glosses with gloss:*, or NT references in an OT lexicon (one VF per lexicon)
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Those sound great. Do you mind if I use those same ideas? I think I got the plural "you" one (Plural Pronouns). How do you do the Hebrew names of God?
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Here is the Hebrew names filter:
You can take a copy and add to it as you need to. And you'd have to create highlight styles since you don't already have mine [:)]
"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)
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Some of my favorites are:
Repetitions and usage of words with theological themes easy to miss (especially in OT) such as:
'Third day' or 'Three days'
'East' or 'West'
Preaching Theme: "Prophecy about Jesus"0 -
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In addition to many shown above I have one for Greek and Hebrew Hapax Legomegon. I found a listing of all the lemmas that qualify and then pasted it into the VF. I think it was provided by someone in the Faithlife groups.
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Probably not OP desired, but for anyone else:
- A visual filter for monographs, to highlight logical relations, and argument dependencies
- A filter to colorize estimated mss dates and usefulness
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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What is the basis of how visual filters work and how do I download them to my software? I have never used these before.
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Visual filters are a built in feature of Logos. See the following brief explainer video:
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Thread => more inductive symbols shows Inductive Precept visual filters/
Logos Wiki => Extended Tips for Highlighting and Visual Filters includes:
FWIW: my 2024 To Do list includes updating Logos Greek Morphology example visual filter screen shots.
Keep Smiling [:)]