Issue Importing Slides from PPT

David Maples
David Maples Member Posts: 1

We are having trouble importing slides from PPT into Proclaim. When we do so, it creates a new presentation rather than importing. It does this for every user. This just started happening recently. Was something changed in an update? Please advise. We will be forced to use PPT if we cannot fix this issue.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi David - and welcome to the forums

    When we do so, it creates a new presentation rather than importing. It does this for every user. This just started happening recently.

    It is possible your users are using the File -> Import Presentation command

    instead of Add item -> Import Item

    The first option does create a new presentation.


  • Église de Verdun
    Église de Verdun Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Thank you!