Official: You Can Now Get Early Access to the Next Version of Logos



  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 192 ✭✭

    When it comes to believing if they can or can't sustain by doing this... Well go take a look at their current job offers salaries.  Over 200k.  If they can pay people 200k a year plus huge bennifits then I think they're doing fine.

    If you want experienced software engineers, you have to pay their market value. I don't think looking at salaries without that context is very helpful. Logos salaries are not out of line with what similar employees would make elsewhere.

    I never said it was out of line, I was saying if they can afford 200k positions then they are a company not hurting. They are currently looking to fill many positions of this caliber. 

  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 192 ✭✭

    Wait, so we will have different subscriptions so for example if I'm not a pastor (I'm not) and don't ever use sermon builder (I don't) I'll have options to choose other features ? 

    Logos Pro (tier 3) is aimed at Pastors and it seems you will have 3 other tiers to choose from, but tier 4 will likely have the same features.

    Thanks for replying to me, so do you think there will be a subscription made for people who just study? And will it have all the data sets? 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    do you think there will be a subscription made for people who just study? And will it have all the data sets? 

    I can only speculate at this time.

    You may have to decide what tier is "Study" from the description provided and it may be a compromise in terms of the data sets and features you require (look how the Data Sets and Features are split between the four L!0 Feature sets).


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 192 ✭✭

    do you think there will be a subscription made for people who just study? And will it have all the data sets? 

    I can only speculate at this time.

    You may have to decide what tier is "Study" from the description provided and it may be a compromise in terms of the data sets and features you require (look how the Data Sets and Features are split between the four L!0 Feature sets).

    Ok.  I don't own theL10 full feature set but I sub to connect essentials.   One of the reasons I like essentials is for the LRC's I really hope hat there's an option to either rent or sub... For these. 

  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 192 ✭✭

    do you think there will be a subscription made for people who just study? And will it have all the data sets? 

    I can only speculate at this time.

    You may have to decide what tier is "Study" from the description provided and it may be a compromise in terms of the data sets and features you require (look how the Data Sets and Features are split between the four L!0 Feature sets).

    Ok.  I don't own theL10 full feature set but I sub to connect essentials.   One of the reasons I like essentials is for the LRC's I really hope hat there's an option to either rent or sub... For these. 

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    Yes exactly. I place myself into being one of this type of customer.

    (Regarding Connect and Logon Now etc, often it seemed I already had paid for the "free book" of the mth, and kind of felt ripped off. More so if it was one of the titles for that unfinished set I paid $999 for, and am still waiting to get more than 15 or titles. Way to make angry customers ... as all the many threads on that topic continue to show every mth or two, for the last 10 or 15 years ...)

    Logos: Please respect those that have already paid "truck loads", over the years.

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    I just followed the links to see the 430+ books in Pro, and almost every single title showed as already in my library. So I either have them via my Connect Subscription, or because over the years I've purchased "way too many books" here on Or both.

    So for me, it seems right now the Pro would only add an AI search, so thats a Pass for me.

    I'll review when my Sub comes up for renewal, and/or when the new details come out later in the year.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,153

    JimTowler said:

    Regarding Connect and Logon Now etc, often it seemed I already had paid for the "free book" of the mth, and kind of felt ripped off.

    I don't quite follow. The Free Book of the Month s not part of a subscription, but is available to all customers (even to those who never paid one dollar to Logos!) and of course those having a large library will often find they already own that book. I experience the same - however, I try to have a different attitude about it. Nobody promised me a free, new, interesting book per month, and if others get this and I already have it in my library, I can be thankful for what I have and be glad for those of lesser opportunities who now get it.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,723

    The FC subscription includes three Faithlife Classic books a month. 

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,153

    The FC subscription includes three Faithlife Classic books a month. 

    Yes I know, that's why I used some adjectives regarding the FBOM. The monthly free Classic books are not selected by Logos but by the subscriber from a list of thousands of books - which all are Public Domain books (i.e. royalty-free for Logos). I only remember one forum user ever who claimed he owned all of them. Such a situation doesn't fit Tim's description in his post, though. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Bruce Bryan
    Bruce Bryan Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Responding to various concerns.  I agree to whoever above warned of too much reliance on commentaries.  I remember thinking that thought when using my first Bible Software (WordSearch) 33 years ago in my first pastorate.  I wanted to be sure I got my messages first of all from the Lord.  That said, over the years I have learned to check trusted commentaries and language dictionaries to assure I was on the right path with a given passage.  Bible software has grown and developed to help this process.  Indeed, the right software can greatly speed the process of "checking". More speed in my books to me has meant more time away from them and in the presence of the Lord (yes, I also hope to be in God's presence when I am in my books, too).  With information more quickly available, and more quickly perused, I can do more of the heavy and profitable work of meditation on the Word, Bible memorization, and prayer.  Bible software has done this for me.    That said, I believe that AI has simply added to my speed in doing the grunt work of cross-checking myself with the work of others. AI makes it even faster.  I think of the benefit of AI as I did when I learned that more RAM and a Solid-State drive could make my computer work faster.  So in many ways AI benefits me by more quickly getting to stuff, summarizing stuff, recommending stuff for me.  And when this happens, I can spend more time with prayer, meditation, and memorization.  I am not here arguing the cost of things, nor how much Logos software engineers are paid.  I expect to pay for these things, and will as the Lord leads.  Just as my first Word Processor sped things up for me in Seminary (DTS 1984-89).  Before that, because I don't type, I would hand write every paper, and my wife would type them out--painstaking and time-consuming work.  Now with the word processor, I could do it all myself--typing, texting, copying. pasting.  The job was so much faster.  At the time, this meant more time for me to spend with my wife and kids when not in classes.  The point here is that advancement in technology, to me, means--theoretically--two things: 1.) better access to critical information, and 2.) more time for important things--time with family and the Lord.  I put the Logos AI advancements in this category, and I applaud them for this.

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭

    Mark, What about those of us who have not yet bought the entire Logos 10, however, have thousands of books, and thousands of dollars invested into our library? Would we not be eligible for the discount because we have not bought the latest version, although we still have spent thousands on the program? Thanks!

    The discount is mostly given because users with the L10 Full Feature Set already own most of the features and content in Logos Pro. We're still figuring out how to handle situations like yours. Depending on what level of feature set you own, it may be worth your while to upgrade to L10 in order to secure the discount. Maybe later in the year, we'll have some special offers available to make that an even better deal.

    On a similar note, I feel a bit left out as I started with Libronix, then moved to Logos in 2008 and started purchasing a variety of individual resources, resource sets and libraries.  Then in 2012 with Logos 5, I started purchasing upgrade packages that included the full feature sets and I did that through Logos 9.  But with Logos 10, I finally opted for a Silver package instead of Gold, because it had everything in the full feature set except for the Print Library Catalog and the Automatic Translation Tool--two tools I'd never use as I don't have a print library and I don't need anything translated.

    I now have a decent size library (5,300+ resources) and a history of purchasing the full feature sets until Logos 10, when I opted for a feature set missing just two of the new tools.  And yes, in addition to buying feature sets, I was also a Logos Now/Logos Connect subscriber from 2017 through 2023.  I finally stopped that subscription last year because I felt it had lost too much value to me over the years.

    So here I sit (my own doing... I know), just missing both of the paths to a discounted Logos Pro subscription: 1) Via owning the Logos 10 full feature set, because after many year of buying full feature sets (I opted out of two feature tools in Logos 10 I'd never use)... and 2) Missing the discounted price via being a Logos Now subscriber, because I just terminated my subscription in 2023, after six years of paying for that.

    As Maxwell Smart would say... "Missed it by thaaaat much!"  [:^)]

  • Shaun Corrigan
    Shaun Corrigan Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have been using Logos for years and have the full feature set. Logos is a daily part of my life and it is a joy to use, both for personal study and devotions as well as for teaching and preaching.

    I have always been relieved that Logos is not a subscription only based tool and I have let go of other software and services that have gone down this route. Having heavily invested in the software, I am greatly alarmed by the possibility of Logos becoming exclusively subscription for all new features.

    Please keep a one-off purchase option for new features, even if this excludes AI services. I save up for the features and products I need and would not sign up for a monthly subscription. Monthly subscriptions are effectively like a rental and it means a lot to me to know I have definitely purchased something and will not lose it if I don’t continue to pay. Monthly costs continue to rise and the choice of one-off payments to ‘own’ the feature, book or product is important to me.

    Thank you for asking for feedback. Please leave your customers the option of one-time purchases for feature sets as well as for books.

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Daniel Norwood
    Daniel Norwood Member Posts: 80 ✭✭

    I think a subscription could be positive for a lot of users.  I mentioned this in earlier post.  I would like to see an option to earn credits through the subscription that would allow subscribers to use credits to purchase features in future versions of Logos.  If someone stopped subscribing, the person would have access to the features they purchased.  

  • Jim Dean
    Jim Dean Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭

    I’ve heard Daniel Norwood (and some others?) suggest that some kind of “credit” system, or “lease to buy” system, so that people could stop renting / subscribing at a given point, and then buy the features as a perpetual ownership addition to the Logos 10 platform we have now -- they’ve suggested this might be a reasonable alternative or bridge. 

    However, from what I’ve understood from all that’s been communicated by Logos staff, in this thread and in emails, is that the decision they are still mulling over is whether to offer any further perpetual licenses to ANY non-AI features, at ALL, EVER.  I don’t think they are at a loss as to know HOW to sell them - that’s easy. They’ve been doing it for three decades. The features will already be IN the code that is ON the local PC.  I’m not sure people realize that. The subscription simply sends an unlock to tell the engine on the PC that the user is allowed to implement that feature for that day or month. 

    Their decision is SOLELY related to their income projections.  Will they make more money by trapping users into permanent subscriptions, or lose more money by turning off customers who’ve been faithfully paying for years or decades.  The new and future customers that don’t have tens of thousands of dollars invested aren’t trapped - they can more easily choose to walk away, use other tools, whatever … without that prior investment being a factor. 

    My point here is simple.  Logos doesn’t need help knowing HOW to offer both subscriptions AND the option for periodic perpetual license feature upgrade-purchases.  They just need to figure out which will make them more money. 

    If their concern was to do the best for their customers, they would offer both and not force hundreds of thousands or millions of customers to make a difficult, unhappy choice, possibly feeling betrayed in the process. THAT would be the path of integrity. 

    Redeeming the time (Eph.5:16+Col.4:5) ... Win 10, iOS & iPadOS 16
    Jim Dean

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭

    In this thread, I see $9.99 all over the place for the "discounted" monthly Logos Pro subscription price, but haven't found what the regular price will be.

    Is that somewhere in this thread?

  • scooter
    scooter Member Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭

    In this thread, I see $9.99 all over the place for the "discounted" monthly Logos Pro subscription price, but haven't found what the regular price will be.

    Is that somewhere in this thread?

    No, Rick.  This is the Early Bird price, + only it is mentioned.  

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭

    I have been using Logos Bible Software for 20 years. I subscribed to Logos Now when it rolled out. I also subscribed to Faithlife Connect when it rolled out. And, I subscribed to Logos Pro when it rolled out (after beta testing the AI functions for a few weeks). Each major rollout was not without some bumps and bugs, but Faithlife resolved those issues, landed on their feet, and as a subscriber, I ended up better off than before the rollout. That tells me Faithlife has the tenacity and resources to make Logos Bible Software better and users better off. I am grateful for their interest in and support of their clients and am looking forward to learning more about the multi-tiered plan they are working on. Mark and/or Phil has said there are currently about 10,000 Logos subscribers on a variety of subscription plans. Seems to me that's a lot of people interested in the concept of subscription plans.

    Only a limited amount of information has been shared about Logos Pro because Faithlife has chosen to share their initial thoughts and plans so that we users can share our interests and preferences. Based on their posts, it seems clear they are listening to us and are adjusting their plans to accommodate as many of our needs as they can - after all, that's in their best interest too. If your not sure if this is right for you, please be gracious to Faithlife and kindly share your interests and preferences, then watch what Faithlife actually rolls out before deciding what you will do.  Attacking Faithlife and complaining about a plan that has not yet been defined is not helpful.

  • Bede
    Bede Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    Given that this thread has now been running for a couple of weeks and there's been a bit of repetition on some of the questions asked, it it worthwhile for Faithlife to put up a questionnaire asking people what they think or want. This would also make it easier to collate people's opinions. As an initial suggestion, four possible answers to each question: Strongly agree; Mildly agree; Mildly disagree; Strongly disagree. The questions could be along the lines of: I would like a subscription model; I would like to be able to make one-off purchases of feature sets; I would like to be able to subscribe and then buy feature sets at a discount; I am enthusiastic about AI enhancement in Logos; etc.

    [Editied to put a space between 'at' and 'a' in the last line.]

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭

    Bede said:

    put up a questionnaire asking people what they think or want. This would also make it easier to collate people's opinions. As an initial suggestion, four possible answers to each question: Strongly agree; Mildly agree; Mildly disagree; Strongly disagree. The questions could be along the lines of: I would like a subscription model; I would like to be able to make one-off purchases of feature sets; I would like to be able to subscribe and then buy feature sets at a discount

    [Y] Great idea. 

  • Mark Barnes (Logos)
    Mark Barnes (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,991

    Bede said:

    Given that this thread has now been running for a couple of weeks and there's been a bit of repetition on some of the questions asked, it it worthwhile for Faithlife to put up a questionnaire asking people what they think or want.

    We're looking at doing exactly that. Stay tuned.

  • The Flanary's
    The Flanary's Member Posts: 108 ✭✭

    "Customers who own the Logos 10 Full Feature Set or subscribe to Faithlife Connect (excluding Starter and Mobile) can purchase the subscription for just $9.99/month. When Logos Pro launches in the fall with the other tiers of subscription, you’ll have the option to maintain your subscription to Logos Pro or switch to one of the other subscription tiers at a continued large discount."

    This seems okay, but, I'm really not a fan of subscription based products because after being a faithful sub for years, you lose everything on the minute you unsubscribe. It has always felt a little dishonest to me, is their a plan to include a free to keep resource on a monthly basis? Something more than the current "free" books of the month. Perhaps one volume of a set of our choosing, or a credit amount that can be saved?

    I want to reiterate something someone said earlier, I really hate to see Logos going the way of every other secular service in the. Recurring fees that never deliver ownership. aka: rental service

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭

    Bede said:

    Given that this thread has now been running for a couple of weeks and there's been a bit of repetition on some of the questions asked, it it worthwhile for Faithlife to put up a questionnaire asking people what they think or want.

    We're looking at doing exactly that. Stay tuned.

    Mark, you probably already thought of this, but I was thinking it might be good on the survey to find out what kind of a user is responding so you can align the user responses to the different tiers of you plan (and the tools to include in each tier).