Pray for the new direction logos is taking.
Lots of feedback from users concerning the new Logos pro, and all hostility aside, we all love logos and only want it to continue to thrive.
I am suggesting a prayer list in these forums that we can pray for the stability and direction of logos, and if you have any other ideas for prayer for logos please list them down here.
I know this isn't really a conventional thread, but it's much needed. Who really prays for the direction of logos as a ministry? They do provide a great resource and I believe they need prayer just like any other ministry.
If we can come together as a collective and pray for logos as a company and a ministry thatWould be a HUGE asset to them, and justto show our support.
So I'll start it off.
Make sure to use the prayer list feature to add them to your prayers!
Some things you can pray about are but not limited to:
The direction concerning the new logos pro, subscription plans, and future features.
Financial stability
Health for their staff
The new CEO (Bill McCarthy) his parents need prayer as well, he wasn't specific but God knows.
Knowledge, wisdom and understanding, as well as guidance from the Holy Spirit for the team who produces these features/data sets
Advancement in technology
And finally, incoming of new members.