Preaching sale, but not for Catholics

Logos recently began a preaching sale, but notably, Catholic resources are not on sale. This is a double bummer after considering that foundational preaching documents from the USCCB and the Vatican are still not available in Logos/Verbum.
(Preaching resources have been requested in the past, I'm just going to link this forum thread.)
It would have been nice to see these products included on the sale:
- (although, is this treated like a "base package" or library? I just discovered this product and am grateful Verbum has put it together!)
It would also be nice to see these foundational sources made available in Verbum someday:
- The Homiletic Directory compiled by the Congregation for Divine Worship (c 2014, LEV)
- Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily compiled by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (c 2012, USCCB)
- Fulfilled in Your Hearing, compiled by the USCCB (c 1982, USCCB) (this one is really for reference purposes, since it's cited in homiletics books everywhere and even in Preaching the Mystery of Faith. It's quite outdated but is well-referenced.)
- Directory for Catechesis written by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization (c. 2020 but promulgated by each bishops' conference; so, there is a USCCB edition, another edition by the UK bishops, etc.). This is adjacent to preaching but not the same thing; either way, this resource needed to be in Verbum base packages anyway if Verbum is serious about selling to catechists and lay leaders in the parish.
What I think may be misunderstood about the Homiletic Directory is that it is not primarily a doctrinal or theological exposition of what a homily is. Although that is present, it exists principally to provide interpretive keys to the structure of the liturgical year for homiletic purposes. It's an extremely helpful homiletic tool in beginning the work of homily preparation for any Catholic preacher.
Finally, many of the secondary sources and books about preaching on the store are really outdated... it would be great to get more recent books, that cite recent documents and developments in Catholic homiletics, from the publishers Logos already has relationships with, like LitPress:
From Liturgical Press:
- Prayers of the New Missal: A Homiletic and Catechetical Companion by Anscar Chupungco, OSB (Link to Liturgical Press)
- To All the World: Preaching and the New Evangelization edited by Michael E. Connors, CSC. (Link to Liturgical Press)
- We Preach Christ Crucified, edited by Michael E. Connors, CSC, containing essays by Robert Barron, Barbara Reid, OP, John C. Cavadini, and others. (Link to Liturgical Press) (Someone on the feedback boards requested J. Michael Joncas' Preaching from and for the Liturgy, but this is actually an essay (not a book) contained within We Preach Christ Crucified)
- Jesus Began to Preach: The Mystery of God's Word by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, c. 2010.