BUG: This book cannot be opened because it's in you Print Library

Paul Gibson
Paul Gibson Member Posts: 129 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I received the above message for two books that I do not own digitally or physically. I just got the Print Library feature a few weeks ago, and Print Library has recognized only two of my books (my physical library of non-fiction is very small).

I did a search for "cosmological argument" and the two books that Logos thinks are in my Print Library are:

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought

I don't know where it's getting these books from, as filtering my library by Print Library doesn't find them. I'm using Logos Mobile 34.0.0 with Logos Pro on an Android 11 tablet.

