BUG: This book cannot be opened because it's in you Print Library

I received the above message for two books that I do not own digitally or physically. I just got the Print Library feature a few weeks ago, and Print Library has recognized only two of my books (my physical library of non-fiction is very small).
I did a search for "cosmological argument" and the two books that Logos thinks are in my Print Library are:
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought
I don't know where it's getting these books from, as filtering my library by Print Library doesn't find them. I'm using Logos Mobile 34.0.0 with Logos Pro on an Android 11 tablet.
Bumping posts without responses in hopes of getting one.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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After more searches, I realized the error occurrs when searching All (the store) vs. Books (my books). I'm receiving the Print Library error for books I don't own, rather than indicating I don't own the book. This apparently has nothing to do with the Print Library, per se, Logos Mobile is just displaying the wrong message.
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Hi Paul, I am unable to duplicate this behavior. Are you still experiencing this on your side?
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Joe McCune (Faithlife) said:
Hi Paul, I am unable to duplicate this behavior. Are you still experiencing this on your side?
Yes, I'm still having the problem. This search is for "Cosmological Argument", but I've seen the same error with other searches. I'm getting the error for all of the books I've tried to open that have the lock icon. My print library only has 2 items.
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We have now been able to reproduce this behavior, and we have opened a ticket.