Bug: Recent Highlights in new Insights Selection Menu

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 631 ✭✭✭

At the top of the selection menu, there is a list of recently the last ~20 most recently used highlights. In order to access them, you often need to pan them to the left.

The problem is that if you pan over to the right to access a highlight style that you haven't used in a while, then, when you want to highlight something else, the selection menu opens with the highlight styles panned to where you last had it, rather than all the way to the left with the most-recently used highlights in view.

This is clearly wrong because even the highlight you just selected is now out of view (as it is now all the way over to the left). The logic should be that you always want to see the most recently used highlights, regardless of where you had panned to previously.

