New Book: Complete Commentary on Romans by Robertson L. Whiteside (c01945

Mark Johns
Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The following book the Commentary on Romans by R. L. Whiteside is
one I created years ago for the e-Sword Program and decided to convert
this to .docx for use in Logos.  It is over 200 pages in Microsoft Word and
at least that in the original 1945 edition.  I have been thinking of adding
the commentary on Romans by Moses Lard to this.  Both authors were
involved in the American Restoration Movement and I believe that their
works really go good together.  If anyone would be interested in this, I
would be happy to create this.  Just let me know....

Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945.docx

Some plans I have are to convert some of the books at the site: to
a Logos .docx format.   There are over 200 PDF files.




  • Philip Smith
    Philip Smith Member Posts: 3 ✭✭


    It would be nice to see more restoration material in Logos.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I agree with you on that one for sure!

    Here are a couple things we could do below:

    (1) Visit the website at  It is a support site for 
          users of the e-Sword Bible Program which I used to use a lot.
          Search for me on there.  I am user 'djmarko53'  Look for the
          modules that I have created according to my user name/id.
          Make a note or list of the modules you are interested in.  If there
          are any that you would like to see in Logos, let me know.  If I have
          the time I would be glad to convert some of them into a .docx format
          for use with LOGOS.  I have one module on there that is one of the
          most popular, named 'ZERR COMBINED BIBLE COMMENTARY'
          I have many others as well, so let me know
    (2) Visit the restoation files site at ''  They have around
          200 plus  PDF Files and commentaries all related to the restoration
          movement.  Some of them I have already to convert from PDF to a 
          LOGOS .docx format.  If any interest you, let me know.  However, these
          will take much longer than the e-Sword modules to convert

    Take care and have a great day in the Lord!!

    Mark Johns

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,124


    great to see your enthusiasm for Personal Books! To avoid duplication of efforts, you may want to check since (because the RM is not as present in the Logos catalog as would be desirable) we do have some RM books as PB sources already. User Calvin Habig has contributed many of those in the past.

    I know we do have at least a large portion of E.M. Zerr's commentary as well (NT and some OT works, see this thread EDIT: which I just saw you started yourself some years ago /EDIT), although it seems he is missing from the wiki page I just linked. EDIT: I put the Zerr commentaries in with links to the respective posts that have the most current version /EDIT

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Having for the last couple years of creating Modules for three
    different popular Bible Software programs I am finally realizing how
    much easier it is to create Books, Commentaries, via LOGOS.  I still
    have some of the most popular modules on e-Sword (

    I have decided to "beef up" the R.L. Whiteside Commentary on Romans
    What I am doing is adding the following two works to the Commentary and
    trying to get it all work together as a single cohesive unit.

    Here are the two works I am adding below:
    (1)Complete Verse-by-Verse Commentary by Moses Lard
    (2)52 Lessons and Adult Studies on Romans by R.C. Bell

    So far I have only finished adding these works for Romans chapters
    One and Two.   Here is the link below for the updated book followed
    by a screenshot showin the expansion of the first two chapters of Romans

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945.docx
    This updates the previous version and is revised as of 5/01/24 at 7:15am CST
    It has complete Verse by Verse Commentary as is, but the addition of the rest 
    of the works by Moses Lard and/or R.C Bell will take a while (maybe next week?)
    There are 52 adult lessons by R.C. Bell.  I am working on Chapter 3 of Romans today....

    Hope this gives you an idea of what I am trying to do.
    When finished adding Lard and R.C. Bell's works I am debating on adding
    some stuff by E.M. Zerr.  He has an interesting work of 24,000 questions solely
    on the New Testament.  Thought perhaps, that his questions on Romans would
    be beneficial as well....


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Here is a screenshot  showing the Menu for Chapter Two
    of Romans on the Left.  The Commentary now has complete
    commentary by Whiteside and Moses Lard, plus Adult Lessons
    and Questions by R.C. Bell (Lard and Bell completed for Romans 1-2 only)
    Will update more this next couple days.


  • Philip Smith
    Philip Smith Member Posts: 3 ✭✭


    Thank you for the work you are doing in making these books available in digital format. I do have e-Sword and several restoration works in e-Sword including the Zerr commentaries.   I will certainly check your Bible Support page. It has been a while since I visited I will make a point of doing so this week and will let you know if I find something I would like to see in Logos. 


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Thanks for your kind words Philip!

    Gonna change one thing with the Whiteside Commentary
    First of all, the Whiteside portion is "COMPLETE" for Romans
    Chapters One thru Sixteen.  Nothing to do there.

    What I want to change is the file name for the .docx file.  Until
    I complete the Moses Lard and/or R.C. Bell portions I will add
    a couple characters at the end to indicate what chapters are 
    complete.  For instannce, I will finish Romans Three and Four
    Next and will add the characters '_1_4  That way you will know
    the works of Whiteside, Lard, and R.C. Bell are complete thru Romans
    Chapter 4, and so on.  If you see '_1-6' before the '.docx' suffix
    you will know all three works are complete thru Chapter Six.

    When this work is complete, I am thinking of doing the commentaries
    of Guy N. Woods, H. Leo Boles, David Lipscomb, Hinds and a couple
    others from the website  Essentially this will be
    the same as the Gospel Advocate, but I will add other Restoration
    Movement resources and they will be radically different from the
    version that is available in the old Hardback version.

    Have a great day!!


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Forgot to mention.
    If you are on you will probably
    notice the module "ZERR COMBINED BIBLE COMMENTARY"
    That is my creation and is (or was) a very popular module for e-Sword.
    I just got "burned out" creating that one and just never got around to
    finishing it after the creator of the "Tooltip Editor" got Cancer and passed away.

    So, I thought, "Why not create something like that for LOGOS?"
    At least that is an idea on the back of my mind anyway.
    With that said, I am thinking of adding two other things to the Whiteside
    Commentary on Romans as follows:
    (1)Verse by Verse Commentary by E.M. Zerr
    (2)Questions for each chapter of Romans by E.M. Zerr taken from his
         publication "24,000 New Testament Questions"

    Other ideas, also from Restoration Movement authors include:
    (1)Bible Word Search Puzzle(s) for each chapter of Romans
    (2)Maps and/or images relating to Verses and/or Key thoughts in each Chapter
    (3)Gospel Charts and/or Sermons for each chapter in Romans.

    These last three are something on the back burner for now.
    Nothing concrete or set in stone so to speak....



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    This is for you and all LOGOS users.

    Here is the update for the Whtieside-Lard-Bell Commentary on Romans

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_1_5.docx

    Here is what it includes so far:
    (1)The "COMPLETE" Commentary on Romans by R.L. Whiteside
    (2)The first five chapters of the Verse-by-Verse Commentary on Romans by Moses Lard
    (3)The First FIFTEEN Adult Lessons on Romans covering Romans Chapters 1-5

    ESTIMATED Pages when complete is over 600 pages of Verse-by-Verse Commentary.
    Several other works on Romans are being considered for adding to this Work on Romans.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_1_8.docx

    The R.L. Whiteside Verse-by-Verse Commentary on Romans is getting 
    closer to completion.  Here is what I have so far:

    (1) R. L. Whiteside Commentary on Romans is Complete for all Chapters

    (2)Moses Lard's Verse-by-Verse Commentary on Romans is complete for 
         Romans chapters One thru Eight.  This is from the volume I created before
         Logos released their version.  Mine is not base whatsoever on theirs.

    (3) Bible Class Studies (52 Lessons) is complete for Romans Chapters 1-8
          There are(or will be) 52 adult Bible Studies for the Book of Romans. These
           class studies are authored by R.C. Bell

    (4) Currently, the page Count for Version '1_8" is 456 pages.  There should be
          well over 600 pages (maybe 700) when complete

    Also under consideration for addition to this Work on Romans, but not sure how and when:
       1. E.M. Zerr Verse-by-Verse Commentary on Romans
       2. Word Search Puzzle(s) for each chapter in Romans.  These are completed and ready
           to be added, but not until I am finished with the Commentary and Lessons
       3. Complete full-text Commentary on Romans by David Lipscomb and/or others...
       4. Apologetic, Historical, and/or Archeological notes pertaining to each Chapter in Romans
       5. Questions for Romans taken from the book "24,000 New Testament Questions" by E.M. Zerr
       6. Maps/Charts, etc. pertaining to Romans, Historical, and Theological issues

    Other possibilities to add as follows:
    1. Burton Coffman on  Romans 1-16
    2. College Press [Green Books] Texts on Romans

    For now i will be concentrating on the Commentary by Lard and Studies by R.C. Bell.  After 
    that, I will think about #1-6 above....

    Have a great day!  I am a retired preacher so I have time to put some work into this.  Since I
    have the ability to convert some PDF and/or EPUB files for use in WORD the possibility of creating
    a LOGOS book is greatly enhanced.   Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Last but not least.  This work is designed to be a compilation of various authors from the
    American Restoration Movement.


  • Philip Smith
    Philip Smith Member Posts: 3 ✭✭


    You are taking on a lot of work, even for a retired preacher. Someone may have already pointed this out. I'm only seeing your posts right now, but Logos has Coffman's commentaries from when they bought out Lifeway's Wordsearch  (Search Results | Logos Bible Software). I received mine in a most generous gift for those who were one Wordsearch.  I personally would love to see the College Press [Green Books] in Logos. I have them in PDF format but that is not as convenient. College Press published an Old Testament History book by William Smith, L.L.D which was revised and amended by Wilber Fields. That would be an excellent addition to Logos.

    I will certainly be interested in whatever books or series you choose to convert to Logos format.

    Again, many thanks for doing this.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    My wife still works part time and I try to do my creating of books and  things
    for when wife is not here.  That way always have time to do things for her when
    she's home.

    Concerning Coffman's, I have it in e-Sword and it would be super easy to create
    a module in other Programs since it is also available on several good bible websites
    such as studylight and bibleportal to name a few.  The College Press has been
    available sometime in the e-Sword as well as "The Word" formats.

    When I get done with this book/commentary on Romans, will take a closer look at
    the College Text (Green Book) commentaries.  I have it in several formats in addition
    to the PDF Version.  At least they're in the Public Domain.   They're also available on 
    the website as well.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_1_16.docx

    Here is the Completed Whiteside and Moses Lard Commentary.

    It includes also, 47 Adult Lessons for Romans One thru Fifteen
    The only thing I haven't added is the last 5 Lessons covering Romans Sixteen.

    Currently, there are 653 pages according to Microsoft Word.
    Should be about 660 pages after I add the last five lessons for Romans 16.

    Thee may be some typos in this.  Plus, some errors might have been
    missed.  Far as I can tell it looks pretty good.  Anyone wants to format
    this book to suit them, go ahead.  These 3 books on Romans have been
    in the public domain for many years.

    Anyway, these three works are now included as discussed above:
    1. Robertson L. Whiteside - Complete Verse by Verse Commentary on Romans
    2. Mose Lard - Complete Verse by Verse Commentary on Romans
    3. R.C. Bell - 52 Adult Bible Study Lessons on the Book of Romans with Questions

    I will add those last five lessons on Romans 16 later today.
    Have fun and enjoy!


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Seriously considering adding the College Press (Green Books) Commentary
    for Romans to this Commentary.  Instead of incorporating it with the Commentry
    by Whiteside and Lard, I may insert the College Press comments/notes/questions
    at the end of each Chapter on Romans.  There will be Links to the CP comments
    in the Table of Contents after the LESSONS for each Chapter.

    Somewhere in the mix of things will add Word Search Puzzles covering each
    chapter in Romans.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    The Commentary on Romans is now completed "AS IS"
    It includes in Full, the complete text of all three works below:

    1. R.L. Whiteside - Commentary on Romans (over 200 pages)
    2. Moses Lard - Commentary on Romans
    3. R.C. Bell - Fifty-Two (52) Adult Bible Study Lessons on Romans

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_1_16.docx
    In Microsoft Word this Commentary now has 674 pages, but will
    soon have over 700 pages.

    This update now includes seven (7) Word Search Puzzles
    for Chapter One of the Book of Romans.  Look for the next update to
    include Puzzlesfor all Sixteen Chapters of Romans.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    This new Commentary on Romans now includes the addition
    of One Hundred (100) Word Search (''Word Find'') Puzzle for Romans.
    It also iincludes the Introduction and the 1st Chapter of the College Press
    Commentary "Romans Realized"  I intend to completed this part of the 
    College Press "Textbook" series on Romans this week.

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_1_16.docx

    As of 5/05/2024 this update above has 812 pages and includes the following:

    1. Commentary on Romans by R.L. Whiteside
    2. Commentary on Romans by Moses Lard
    3. Adult BIble Sutdies (52 Lessons) by R. C. Bell
    4. One Hundred Word Search Puzzles covering every Chapter
        and then some....
    5. College Press Commentary - Introduction and the First Chapter Completed
        I intend to complete this...

    Other Restoration Movement Resources to be included might
    be as follows:

    1. Romans by Haldane
    2. Contending for the Faith Commentary (Full Verse by Verse)
    3. David Lipscomb Commentary on the Book of Romans
    4. Romans by J.W. McGarvey and Pendleton
    5. And more if I can think of it.....


    this the most complete Commentary/Study on Romans produced by Churches
    of Christ and the Christian church.

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Romans - RL Whiteside - (c)1945_5-06-2024.docx

    This is the New Commentary on Romans containing the following works:
    (1) Book of Romans by Robertson L. Whiteside (Full Verse-by-Verse Commentary)
    (2)Commentary on Romans by Moses Lard
    (3) Adult Bible Study Lessons on Romans by R.C. Bell (52 Lessons on All Chapters of Romans)
    (4) One-Hundred Word Search Puzzles on all the Chapters of Romans
    (5) The Complete College Press Commentary on the Book of Romans.

    Here is the College Press Commentary on the Book of Romans:
    ROMANS_College Press Commentary_5-6-2024.docx

    Note: Future update(s) of the Commentary on Romans will have the 
    date attached to the filename so you can know the date of the updated book.
