BWS Fading uneven in Example Uses
I quite like the fading out in example uses, but it is not evenly applied across all the listed entries. In some cases too much text is obscured, rather than a small fade at the edges.
Logos just want to show the technology[:)]
But let's see if it can be improved.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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On the fading -- I'm not familiar with the code underlying this component, but am familiar with the data. My guess is that two different levels of the underlying data result are being displayed here. In much the same way that syntax searches have the possibility of two levels of highlighting -- the hit level and the highlight/focus level -- that's what is being represented here.
For each of these hits, the faded portion represents the larger structure which contains the red portion:
is the man {[seize] him}
{came up and [took hold of] his feet}
{So [they kept] the matter}
{went in and [took] her by the }In other words, the fade isn't intended to be uniform from each side of the width of the window, it is intended to convey that higher level of "hit" selection from the data underlying the grammatical relationships for the word. This also explains the Rev 2.14 instance, "{some} there {[who hold] the teaching}" where "there" is faded but the word that precedes it isn't.
That said, It does appear that there is a max width where the report window edge forces the fade even if the underlying data does not warrant it (Mt 9.25, Rev 2.1, Ac 27.13).
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
Rick is right: the "Example Uses" section has three levels of highlighting: the word itself is in red, the clause (?) is in black, and the rest of the verse is in grey.
However, there is some uneven fading when the grey text is very small (or missing, as in Mk 9:10); this is a bug. (The section also just doesn't display very well at the default width on your screen; if you were to float that panel and maximise the floating window, the display would look better.)
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Rick Brannan said:
That said, It does appear that there is a max width where the report window edge forces the fade even if the underlying data does not warrant it (Mt 9.25, Rev 2.1, Ac 27.13).
Thanks Rick
I have a 3 pane (column) layout in a 1280x800 LCD which is wider than Richard's
There is some room for improvement!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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That does look clearer with the wider column ... I'm using a 1440x900
resolution but with the left hand half of the screen divided into two
columns, hence the narrower column for EG.I'm not sure the fading is an improvement here on reflection. It creates a visual ambiguity between faded black text and extra-clausal grey text (is that even a word?).
It is cool to see the new visual technology in action, and I'm all for visual coolness but I think it might be interfering just a little with the task of clear communication here. Maybe it was coded by the same guy who did the spinning "resource information" thing [8-|]
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Richard Lyall said:
That does look clearer with the wider column ... I'm using a 1440x900
resolution but with the left hand half of the screen divided into two
columns, hence the narrower column for EG.I'm not sure the fading is an improvement here on reflection. It creates a visual ambiguity between faded black text and extra-clausal grey text (is that even a word?).
It is cool to see the new visual technology in action, and I'm all for visual coolness but I think it might be interfering just a little with the task of clear communication here. Maybe it was coded by the same guy who did the spinning "resource information" thing
I don't like the fading as it is implemented. It seems like a waste of space. Perhaps if the fade was much smaller.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540