New Book: Bibliology and the Scriptures

Here is a new book for you.
Currently has 20 chapters so far.
Not quite complete but should be even
better after I add some more chapters.
It deals with Doctrine, Scriptures, and Revelation.
Bibliology and the Scriptures.docx
More is planned for this book. Might have 40 chapters
or more when complete. It is very useable as is.
Here is the update for the book on Bibliology and the Scriptures
which I uploaded early Thursday afternoon. This adds several
more chapters (articles) on The Bible and Revelation. There may
be some errors because there are several Hebrew characters in
the chapters I added tonite. However, the book still compiles OK.
The reason for the errors are that these Hebrew characters have
not been "Tagged" for LOGOS. Afraid that is beyond my expertise.
So if anyone wants to do that and re-post the book, that would be great!Bibliology and the Scriptures.docx
Here is the list of chapters in the Table of Contents:
• Doctrine of the Scriptures (Ryrie Study Bible)
• Bible: The Word of God (Lewis Sperry Chafer & John F. Walvoord)
• Qumran: Manuscripts of the Old Testament (Chart)
• Archeological Confirmation of the New Testament (F.F. Bruce)
• Archeology and the New Testament (F.F;.Bruce)
• Money in the New Testament (author unknown)Part One – The Lost Drachma
Part Two – The Half-Shekel and the Stater
Part Three – The Widow’s Mites
Part Four – The Thirty Pieces of Silver
Par Five – The Farthings of the Gospels• Doctrines of the Bible: The Bible and Inspiration (Rev. William Evans)
• Theology: ‘The Scriptures” (Adam Clarke)
• The Bible: The Word of God (Doc Lewis Sperry Chafer)
• Essential Beliefs About the Bible (Stephen Solormon White)
• How the Books of the Bible Were Collected and Preserved (Wilmington HB)
• How the Bible was Written (By John F. Walvoord)
• Beliefs Concerning How the Bible Was Written (Stephen Solomon White)
• The Doctrine of Revelation (Rick Wade)
• Revelation of John (ISBE)
• Revelation (Wilmington Guide to the Bible)
• Scripture and Revelation (DSB)
• Revelation (Elmer Towns)
• Revelation and Response (Herbert Lockeyer, F.F. Bruce, etc.)
• Necessity of Revelation: State of Religious Knowledge (Richard Watson)
• Necessity of Revelation: State of Morals Among the Heathen (Richard Watson)
• Necessity of Revelation: Religions of the Heathen (Richard Watson)
• Evidences Necessary to Authenticate A Revelation (Richard Watson)
• Revelation: The Use and Limitation of Reason in Religion (Richard Watson)
• General Revelation (Holman Bible Dictionary)
• Revelation of God in Nature and History (Part 1 of 2) by P. Thomson
• Revelation of God in Nature and History (Part 2 of 2 ) by P. Thomson
• Special Revelation (Holman Bible Dictionary)Note: My next book will be on the Inspiration of the Bible