Is there a way to make Verbum only download and install Verbum resources?

Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I have posted this question in the Logos tips and tricks Facebook group and it was suggested I ask here.

I have both Logos and Verbum installed and both have all of my resources in them, so 2 x >80GB of resources. I would like to know if I can make Verbum only download and install Catholic/Verbum resources and leave Logos to have all my resources?

I have thought about tags and it works for displaying some resources but the tag "Catholic" is just a Community tag so it possibly doesn't include everything available through the Verbum Store. So I want Verbum to only download and use resources that are available through the Verbum Store but still let Logos download and install all of the resources I purchase regardless of it being Logos or Verbum.

There are multiple reasons for this:

1. Save on disk space and bandwidth.

2. Be able to discuss Catholic theology etc. with my Catholic friends using only Catholic resources. I have been told already when using Logos that I was using generic resources that weren't Catholic so I want to ensure I am only using Catholic resources when discussing Catholic theology etc. with my Catholic friends.

I am hoping you may be able to help me with this.


  • John W Gillis
    John W Gillis Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭

    You appear to believe that the Verbum store only sells Catholic resources - that is not the case. The selection is considerably more limited than that of the Logos store, but nonetheless contains lots of non-Cathoic works - many of them very useful. The resources untimately come from the Faithlife servers, not from a storefront, and they are associated with your user account, not with a particular application installation. 

    If you really feel the need to segregate your Catholic resources, I'd suggest using personal tags. You can add tags to one or more resources at a time in the Information Pane of the Library window. If you added the tag Catholic  to all your desired resources, you could limit a library view or a Collection by filtering on mytag:Catholic

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,474

    I have a collection titled "Staunchly Catholic resources" which I use for my Catholic friends who have fallen prey to the worst of American Catholicism; for my normal Catholic friends, I use a broad collection titled:"ACELO" (high Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, high Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox + any other stuff I particularly like.)

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    Thank you for your reply John W Gillis.

    I believe, and please feel free to prove me wrong by providing evidence, that the Verbum Store is targeted towards Catholic Consumers.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    Thanks for replying MJ. Smith. This is something that may work very well for me. Is there a way you can share this?

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    You could make this happen if you had two different accounts one for Verbum and one for Logos. But you are probably like I am and it's likely Logos or Verbum you have purchased is under one email account.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    Hi Matt. Yes I originally purchased Logos and then found out about Verbum. So I downloaded it as well and lo and behold it installed everything my Logos install had installed. I could do another account but it would mean starting Verbum from scratch which would cost more over and above the >$13K Australian I have already spent.

    Logos is my primary system but I want Verbum so I can discuss Catholic matters with Catholic friends without being told I'm using non-Catholic resources

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    Michael said:

    Thank you for your reply John W Gillis.

    I believe, and please feel free to prove me wrong by providing evidence, that the Verbum Store is targeted towards Catholic Consumers.

    Catholic consumers don't just read "Catholic" authors, just as Baptist consumers don't just read Baptist authors or Anglican consumers Anglican authors.  There is a lot we share across traditions and a lot we can learn from each other across traditions, there will of course be differences on aspects of certain doctrines, belief and practices but even within traditions there will exist these differences.  

    You don't have to look to hard on the Verbum store to find "non-Catholic resources" as the store caters to a wide range of Cathoilc consumers, from the Parishoner, to the Parish Priest to the Catholic Academic and many more different "Catholic consumers" with different insterests and needs and so resources from both within and outside the "Cathlolic tradition" will be available in the store.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,474

    Michael said:

    so I can discuss Catholic matters with Catholic friends without being told I'm using non-Catholic resources

    A priest who taught me much of what I know of liturgical theology taught me to look to Lutheran publishers for Scripture study, Anglican & Orthodox publishers for liturgy, and Catholic publishers for theology. I was also taught to remember that to be a big C Catholic one had to be a small c catholic.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    Michael your Catholic resources are inside your Logos Software so unless you require two installs I would delete the Verbum install. You don't need Verbum as you can still discuss Catholic with Logos Bible Software. The two engines are the same. The only difference is Verbum gets the Saints database. So unless you are discussing the Saint of the day you don't need Verbum installed.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    It is obvious to me that, apart from MJ Smith, none of you have an answer to my question but you want to push your own ideas which go against what I am wanting to achieve. This is something that I want to do. I asked for help on a technical matter and only MJ Smith has given a helpful reply. If you are unable to assist that is fine. if you want to push what you are pushing feel free to tell me what Reformed (i.e. Presbyterian) Protestant resource will actually support, for example, the dogma of purgatory or the dogma of Mary always being a virgin or the dogma that the "pope" is the successor of Peter so that I can discuss it with my Catholic friends and not have them tell me I am not using Catholic resources. I'm not wanting to argue but I would like to know about Catholic theology etc right from the source so I can discuss these things with my friends.  I asked a simple question that may or may not have a simple result the only person that has offered anything like an answer is MJ Smith the rest of you are trying to tell me there is very little difference between Catholics and Protestants.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,050 ✭✭✭✭

    Michael said:

    It is obvious to me that, apart from MJ Smith, none of you have an answer to my question but you want to push your own ideas which go against what I am wanting to achieve. 

    Michael, folks are likely trying to understand your goal. I am ... even with your last post.

    For example, I'm severely conservative protestant, but use the Verbum app

    - The 2 stores have much the same product. The sales/marketing are different. And the Verbum app itself, has some Catholic features and included basic books.

    - I buy mainly Catholic and Orthodox packages from Verbum; they have the academic resources I want

    - Like MJ I tag the Catholic and Orthodox books (no need for them)

    If I had Catholic friends and wanted to share or understand, I'd simple pull up my tagged Carholic. I'd be flying blind, though.

    So ... 'truly Catholic' goes back to MJ's tagging. And purchasing Catholic packages, if not familiar (I'm not).

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    I am replying to this at 1am in the morning please forgive me if I do nt understand what you are trying to say.

    DMB said:

    Michael, folks are likely trying to understand your goal. I am ... even with your last post.

    My goal is clearly written.

    DMB said:

    For example, I'm severely conservative protestant, but use the Verbum app


    Let me tell you what I am. I am a Christian first and foremost. By the fact I am not "catholic" I am Protestant. My background is Reformed but I am non-denominational as I do not align with man made constructs of Spiritual things. The Bible is my guide but I use writings from others to learn what others believe and discuss these beliefs with people from their background and current denominational standpoint.

    DMB said:

    - The 2 stores have much the same product. The sales/marketing are different. And the Verbum app itself, has some Catholic features and included basic books.

    Sorry but the Verbum store defaults to "Catholic" and has 3185 resources available. The Logos store doesn't default to anything and has 96086 resources. I want to know how I can have Verbum contain the resources that the Verbum store defaults to and nothing else. If this is not possible then MJ Smith's initial post is a viable solution until Faithlife come up with something else.

    DMB said:

    - I buy mainly Catholic and Orthodox packages from Verbum; they have the academic resources I want

    If "the 2 stores have much the same product" doing this makes no sense. You can search what you need and buy it from the Logos store and faithlife can close the Verbum store and save time and effort not to mention bandwidth and an extra website.

    DMB said:

    - Like MJ I tag the Catholic and Orthodox books (no need for them)

    You tag things you don't need yet you specifically bought from a store that is targeted towards those resources?

    DMB said:

    If I had Catholic friends and wanted to share or understand, I'd simple pull up my tagged Carholic. I'd be flying blind, though.

    I don't know why you would be flying blind.

    DMB said:

    So ... 'truly Catholic' goes back to MJ's tagging.

    I asked MJ Smith about the tagging but no further response about that just a response about using other resources from other groups which is not what I am after because I can do that already.

    DMB said:

    And purchasing Catholic packages, if not familiar (I'm not).

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.
  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,474

    Michael said:

    I asked MJ Smith about the tagging but no further response a

    That is because I am still thinking about how to give a useful answer as my rules has some quirks that may confuse you. My rule is publisher:(Ignatius, "Liturgical Press","Paulist Press","Emmaus Road","Saint Benedict Press","Libreria Editrice Vaticana","Servant Press","St. Anthony Messenger Press","TAN Books","St Vladimir's Seminary Press","Ancient Faith Publishing","Catholic University of America","Newman Press","Conciliar Press","Benziger Brothers","Catholic Scripture Study International","Pontifical Biblical Institute","Catholic Answers","B. Herder","St. Tikhon's Seminary Press") OR author:("Dix, Gregory", "Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan", "Bradshaw, Paul F.") But you will note that not everything listed is "Catholic" in the sense you probably mean. That is because, as a Catholic, I include the Eastern Rites which parallel much of Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy and I include certain liturgists and historians whose work is trans-denominational. I don't explicitly exclude that group of Catholics who have become so contaminated by the American Secular Religion (I believe ROW is the current in acronym for them) as to not always be recognizable as Catholic. I simply don't buy them unless required for research. I then leave them in the cloud when done.

    Michael said:Sorry but the Verbum store defaults to "Catholic" and has 3185 resources available.

    I probably buy more on the Logos platform than on the Verbum platform. The Verbum platform includes many Protestant resources but avoids (generally) resources that are virulently anti-Catholic. I think of it as more a liturgical ACELO storefront (high Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, high Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox). As for the Logos site, I consider it more Reformed/Evangelical but most reference and contemporary controversial books show up there.

    Michael said:If "the 2 stores have much the same product" doing this makes no sense. You can search what you need and buy it from the Logos store and faithlife can close the Verbum store and save time and effort not to mention bandwidth and an extra website.

    The reason for the split is the humans not the resources. There are Protestants who get upset when their Bible is contaminated by a whiff of a broad canon. There are Catholic who won't buy from a company that has a whiff of Protestant heresy about it. The dual names and storefronts was an acceptable solution for both extremes. Most Christians realize that the canon, as actually been used, has never been uniform worldwide and that good Bible scholarship is good Bible scholarship regardless of the personal affiliation of the author. Similarly, crap is crap - some groups are more tolerant of it than others.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • John
    John Member Posts: 683 ✭✭✭

    Michael said:

    the Verbum store defaults to "Catholic" and has 3185 resources available. The Logos store doesn't default to anything and has 96086 resources

    From what I understand, the two platforms are mostly for marketing. The software is labeled differently, but operates the same.

    Even in Logos they have packages and libraries that focus on certain traditions. But if your library contains a mixture (as mine does), the books (resources) themselves are all indexed into one database for the purpose of searching.

    There is not much that can be done to change this, it is the way the software is written. Someone suggested separate accounts, but i'm sure even that would leave you with some resources that you would consider less valuable.

    But Logos has given you some tools to use to select a subset of resources to work with. MJ already mentioned using collections. This is the most logical tool to use if you want to isolate a select group of resources to use. You could also go further and only download locally those resources.

    Another method available is prioritization. The less desired resources are still there, but are not given priority.

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Another option is to hide resources you don't want to show up, but hiding resources is a semi-permanent fix. You can unhide them, but that's a laborious task, as you can only unhide one at a time (even though you can hide multiple books at a time). And there is no automated way to hide all the books that don't show up in the Verbum website.

    As others have mentioned, there is a lot of overlap in books that are available on the Verbum site with books that are available on the Logos site. But the Verbum site only offers books that would not be offensive to Catholics. They aren't all written by Catholic authors, but at least they don't have an anti-Catholic slant to them.

    However under the hood, it is the same platform. The Verbum software has some features that are not in the Logos software, but the way the libraries work is the same between Verbum and Logos, and most of the features are identical. I don't think anyone meant to undercut your request in stating this technological fact; they were just explaining how it works.

    Also, maybe nobody has made explicit what seems obvious to some of us but might not have been clear to you, there is a difference between the software platform and the library of books. Verbum site sells both the Verbum software/features and a whole ton of books. The Logos site sells the Logos software (which is virtually identical to Verbum except for its branding an a couple of Catholic-only features that are available only in Verbum) and a whole ton of books (even more than on the Verbum site), but again there is a lot of overlap.

    That was all just explanation, not trying to persuade you not to request help for what you want to do, which I see as a very legitimate request, just that it might not be as easy as you'd hoped.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    I haven't forgotten this discussion just busy with ...

    John said:

    You could also go further and only download locally those resources.

    Here we are this is something that makes sense. How do I do this John?
  • Fr Devin Roza
    Fr Devin Roza MVP Posts: 2,419

    Michael said:

    I haven't forgotten this discussion just busy with ...

    John said:

    You could also go further and only download locally those resources.

    Here we are this is something that makes sense. How do I do this John?

    In your Library, you can right click on resources you don't want to download and right click on them, and then choose "Remove from this device." That will free up disk space, but they will still be available from the cloud.

    To not see certain books anymore, you can hold down Ctrl and right click, and you will see an option to "Hide" those resources. If you click on that, they won't appear in your Library anymore. More details on that option here: Hide Resources – Logos Help Center